Session Location

Grand Valley State University, Eberhard Center, EC 614

Session Start Date and Time

22-8-2012 10:45 AM

Session End Date and Time

22-8-2012 11:35 AM

Session Description

Instructors for multi-section courses often come from a variety of backgrounds and instructional experiences. While some have been teaching effectively for years, many are fairly new to teaching and have little training in effective teaching pedagogy or curriculum development. In addition the turnover rate for instructors is fairly high, making it difficult to create a consistent experience across sections each semester. In this workshop we will explore strategies for creating collaborative instructional communities that involve instructors in curriculum planning and foster professional development, instructor retention and effective classroom instruction.

Managing Multi-Section Mayhem-Vigna.ppsx (2466 kB)
Presentation PowerPoint


Aug 22nd, 10:45 AM Aug 22nd, 11:35 AM

Session 09: Managing Multi-Section Mayhem: Creating Effective Instructional Communities in Multi-Section Courses

Grand Valley State University, Eberhard Center, EC 614