Date of Award


Document Status

Open Access

Degree Type


Degree Name

Occupational Therapy (M.S.)


Occupational Therapy


In response to limited outcome-based research, this study aimed to determine how levels of supervision across OT intake and discharge for individuals receiving post-acute traumatic brain injury (TBI) rehabilitation compare to various participant demographic factors and OT treatment protocols. A retrospective pre-post research design and convenience sampling was utilized for observing quantitative data obtained from Origami Brain Injury Rehabilitation Center located in Mason, MI. Forty-two participants met inclusion criteria for various demographic factors and OT treatment protocols (explanatory variables). SPSS statistical analyses were performed using Fisher’s exact test for comparing levels of supervision (ordinal response variable) to dichotomous explanatory variables. Results failed to reject all null hypotheses claiming independence between MPAI-4 item-26 for residence score change (response variable mirroring Supervision Rating Scale) across OT intake and discharge for dichotomous explanatory variables. Direction of change was identified via sample statistics. An additional series of independent samples t-tests were performed for extended quantitative outcome data. With the exception of date of injury to admission (DOIA), all independent samples t-test results failed to reject the null hypotheses claiming equal population means between dichotomous explanatory variables for MPAI-4 participation index pre-post standard score differences. Less than three months DOIA and greater than three months DOIA samples produced a two-tailed pvalue = 0.000, subsequently rejecting the null hypothesis for equal population means. The principle investigator concluded that additional future research is warranted and that statistical significance did not support the claim that change in levels of supervision depended on specific dichotomous explanatory variable sample representation.
