Faculty Scholarly Dissemination Grants


Technology or Text? Which is More Effective for Developing Competence for Evaluation of Fundamental Motor Skill?


Movement Science


College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

Date Range



Effective teachers must be skilled in using a variety of assessment techniques. Research has demonstrated that there is a significant gap between assessment theory taught to pre-service physical educators and practice in the physical education setting. One of the most critical skills necessary in successful assessment is the ability to observe. Observational skills in physical education demand movement analysis and subsequent translation of this visual analysis into a series of criteria. The Test of Gross Motor Development II (TGMD II) provides criteria for motor skills taught to children in elementary school (age 3-10). In addition to the written criteria, a series of pictures are provided to assist the person performing the assessment. This study sought to determine the effectiveness of physical educators utilizing screencasts of motor skills found in the TGMD II compared to physical educators who studied the images found in the TGMD II manual. The primary issue was whether physical educators who watch screencasts become skilled in observational techniques and thus are able to utilize these skills in the real world when observing children performing the TGMD II. A second question is which method increased pre-service teacher confidence for and interest in evaluation. Data was collected during Fall 2011. The proposal seeks to determine: 1. Assessment skill development of teachers: The effectiveness of screencasts compared to textbook methods to implement motor skill evaluation. 2. Self- Efficacy of Motor Skill evaluation: physical educators perception of confidence of implementation of TGMC II as well as interest when incorporating a technological innovation.

Conference Name

AAHPERD national conference

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