Session Location

Grand Valley State University, Eberhard Center, EC 411

Session Start Date and Time

21-8-2013 2:15 PM

Session End Date and Time

21-8-2013 3:15 PM

Session Description

In Fall 2012 Diane Rayor and I collaborated on teaching two sections of HNR 211/212 Honors Classical World I. We built into our syllabus four so-called "SWOTs," named for the familiar strategic planning matrix Strengths / Weaknesses / Opportunities / Threats, the object of which was to encourage students to work collaboratively and to focus critically upon key problems or conflicts in Greco-Roman history. The exercises were modeled expressly (and unapologetically) on the "Iron Chef"-type competitions one sees on television. Two groups are allotted one of two sides of the problem; they split up into smaller sub-groups and work on separate quadrants of the SWOT analysis, collaborating in real time on assembling a Google Docs presentation based upon a standard template; then they assemble to present their work. The session will feature a downscaled collaborative exercise that will demonstrate some of the advantages of real-time collaboration with Google Docs. **Please bring a laptop if you can.**

Google Docs as a Real-Time Collaboration Platform.pdf (454 kB)
Presentation Documents

SAVE THE DATE! HOMERathon IV 2-3 October 2013 in Pew Library.pdf (3269 kB)
Homerathon Invitation (large file)

SAVE THE DATE! HOMERathon IV 2-3 October 2013 in Pew LibraryReduce.pdf (525 kB)
Homerathon Invitation (reduced file)


Aug 21st, 2:15 PM Aug 21st, 3:15 PM

Session 07 - Google Docs as a Real-Time Collaboration Platform for Active Learning: Honors Classical World (HNR 211/212)

Grand Valley State University, Eberhard Center, EC 411