Date of Award


Degree Name

Nursing (M.S.N.)


College of Nursing

First Advisor

Rebecca Davis

Second Advisor

Sylvia Simons


Malnutrition affects a large number of adult inpatients. For these patients, the implications of the high rate of malnutrition include impaired wound healing, higher rates of infection, and an increased risk of death. These complications contribute to increased healthcare costs and longer lengths of stay. The level of monitoring and documentation of patients’ meal consumption was acknowledged to be below expectations in an acuity-adaptable neurosciences unit situated in a downtown hospital located in the Midwestern United States. The define-measure-analyze-improve-control (DMAIC) quality improvement framework guided the quality improvement team to develop a standard process for meal related activities. The rate of meal intake documentation improved after adoption of the standard process.

Included in

Nursing Commons
