Date of Award


Document Status

Open Access

Degree Type


Degree Name

Occupational Therapy (M.S.)


Occupational Therapy

First Advisor

Jennifer Summers OTD


An emerging area of occupational therapy (OT) practice includes program development for persons with disabilities (PWD). These programs are designed to train PWD how to identify issues and advocate for inclusion and accessibility (Umeda et al., 2017). Among the available literature on community-based advocacy programs, results show positive social outcomes including increased self-advocacy knowledge and related behaviors (i.e. Kramer, 2015; Mishna et al., 2011). Regarding the present study, an advocacy training program titled “Community Organizing Advocacy Skills Training” (COAST) was developed using the Midwest Academy Training Manual for the Advocate. The purpose of this study was to pilot a tool developed to measure participants’ perceptions of confidence related to self-advocacy skills to inform program development for the COAST workshop. Results of data analysis were inconclusive due to a small sample size.
