Publication Date


First Advisor

Natalie Laudicina

Second Advisor

Chris Reed

Third Advisor

Dawn Richiert

Fourth Advisor

Melissa Tallman


Scoliosis is a greater than ten-degree curve in the spine in the coronal plane. There are many types of scoliosis, with the most common being adolescent idiopathic. The most common type in adults is degenerative scoliosis, caused by the wear and tear of the spine. In adults, treatment options are selected based on symptoms caused by the curvature. Treatments include lifestyle changes, medications, physical therapy and surgery. Two common surgical treatments are a laminectomy for decompression or a spinal fusion. The dissection of a 92-year-old male cadaver revealed scoliosis of lumbar vertebrae one through five (L1-5). A post-mortem laminectomy then revealed that the spinous processes of L2 and L3 appear fused together. Additionally, a metal wire was wrapped around both sides of the fused spinous processes, with attachment points above L2 and below L3. This research project further investigated the possible reasons for the spinal abnormalities seen.
