Michigan’s nonpartisan Office of Foundation Liaison (OFL) was created in 2003 at the suggestion of Michigan philanthropic leaders. The overarching goal of OFL is to foster partnerships between foundations and state government agencies. The OFL staff works to create shared agendas among foundations and agencies and then to identify the investments that each can make in support of that agenda.
Begun under the administration of Democrat Jennifer Granholm, it currently operates with the support of Republican Gov. Rick Snyder and is located in the governor’s administrative offices. This senior-level position – unique in the nation – helps to identify and broker strategic partnerships between the state and foundations likely to result in policy reforms that would improve the lives of children and families in Michigan.
Since its inception, OFL has been funded by 17 foundations, with an office provided by the state government. It is governed by an advisory committee of contributing funders; the Council of Michigan Foundations (CMF), its fiscal agent; and a member of the governor’s executive staff. This report documents findings about the activities and results of OFL from April 2012 to April 2013.
Recommended Citation
Dorothy A. Johnson Center for Philanthropy, "Evaluation of The Office of Foundation Liaison" (2013). Research and Publications. Paper 8.