Volume 30, Issue 1 (2006)
Letter from the Editor
Chris Haven
Collaboration as the Cornerstone to a Liberal Education
Ellen Schendel
Interdisciplinarity or Integration: Cultivating the Liberal Studies Department at GVSU
Christine Drewel
Math and Meaning
Emma Ramey
Promised Land
Barbara Ross
The Singing
C. K. Williams
Concerning Interdisciplinarity
Brian Schorn
Think of James Brown Pleading
Honorée Fanonne Jeffers
Aretha at Fame Studios
Honorée Fanonne Jeffers
Commentary on "Modern Media and Ancient Greeks"
Roy J. Winegar
Modern Media and Ancient Greeks
Robert W. Mayberry
To: Charms Company, Re: Blow Pops
Sean Lovelace
Hurricane Katrina Assignment
Mike Spofford
The Wide World of Shorts: Lessons from the Film
John Harper Philbin
Joe Gould's Pen
Philip Levine