The Great Plains Spittlebug, Lepyronia gibbosa (Homoptera: Cercopidae) is a state threatened specie in Michigan. The distribution, population size, host plant use, and basic biology details of this insect were determined in southwestern Michigan during the summer of2001. Juvenile populations and host-plant use data were obtained using standard transects. Adult populations were obtained by sweeping a 25-meter transect with a standard sweep net. Adult host plant use was determined by using a gas-powered vacuum to sample insects on individual plant species. It was found that the distribution of the Great Plains Spittlebug is much greater than previously reported (Hanna, 1970), as the insects were found in six counties (Lake, Newaygo, Oceana, Mason, Van Buren, and Muskegon), three of which were new county records. Data from this survey will be used in designing a recovery plan for the specie and the prairie habitats.