Adventures in Value
(New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1962)

This was the last text that Cummings worked on before his death. It consists of 50 photographs by the poet's wife Marion Morehouse, with captions and texts for each photo by Cummings. The book is divided into four parts:
I. Effigies (6 photos; sculptural forms)
II. Still Life (8 photos)
III. Nature (25 photos)
IV. People (11 photos)
Among the "Effigies" is a photo of a Gaston Lachaise sculpture called The Mountain. Among the "Nature" photos, besides the usual landscape subjects, Marion has photographed tendrils, a zucchini, lichens on rocks, and Patchin Place. The portraits include old Mr Lyman (cf. CP 567), José Garcia Villa ("Doveglion"), and Marianne Moore.