Number 17 (2010)
Introduction/About the Cover
The Editor
The Tiny Room: The Jottings of E. E. Cummings
Michael Dylan Welch
E. E. Cummings’ “Jottings” and José Garcia Villa’s “Xocerisms”—Invoking Lyricism in Creating the Poetic Aphorism
John Edwin Cowen
The Stuff of Expression: Interpreting Cummings’ Creative Thought through Steven Pinker’s Mentalese
Adam C. Vander Tuig
An Imaginary Dialogue Between An Author And A Public, printed on the book-jacket of my first play
E. E. Cummings
Program Note for Him
E. E. Cummings
“almost all I don’t know about art”: E.E. Cummings Explicates His Dust Jacket Blurb for Him
Michael Webster
The Bonus Question
Drew Lankford
Learning to Live in “a pretty how town”
Rai Peterson
Time and Form: Teaching E. E. Cummings
Richard D. Cureton
Notes for Cummings: A Resource for Students and Teachers
Michael Webster
More Poems
Ken Carsten, Rebecca Lilly, Mark Jenkins, Richard Lighthouse, Henry Sosnowski, Wayne Daniel, Thomas Dorsett, Jeremy Halinen, and Michael Dylan Welch