Number 20 (2013)
About the Cover
Bernard F. Stehle
Michael Webster
Our Visit to 104 Irving Street
and Norton’s Woods
Michael Webster
Thoughts on Norton’s Woods
Aaron M. Moe
Difference and Similarity at Mt. Chocorua:
Notes on a Brief Odyssey
Etienne Terblanche
E. E. Cummings: A Surprising Spenserian
William Blissett
Low Rank, High Brow: The “Adolescent” War
Writing of E. E. Cummings and Kurt Vonnegut
Rai Peterson
Rai Peterson
The Nude, the Grasshopper, and the Poet-Painter:
A Reading of E. E. Cummings’
Vakrilen Kilyovski
One Art: Intuition and Typography in E. E.
Cummings’ Original Analysis of
“r-p-o-p-h-e-s-s-a-g-r” (1935)
Gillian Huang-Tiller
Plotting the Evolution of a
Michael Webster
Four Poems
Kevin Kiely