Number 8 (1999)
About the Cover
Bernard F F. Stehle
A Pair of Krazy Kats: Cummings and George Herriman's Comic Strip
David V. Forrest
Interdependence versus Transcendence
Norman Friedman
Cummings Into German: Seven Poems
Gudrun M. Grabher and et. al.
Cummings Into French: Three Pieces
Theirry Gillyboeuf
(Re)Valuing "anyone"
John M. Gill
The Symbol of Rain in Cummings' Poetry
Theirry Gillyboeuf
"Metaphors Copulate in Laughter": Humor in Cummings' Poetry
Claudia Desblaches
Five Poems: The Play of Form
Jacqueline Vaught Brogan
buffalo bob
Gerald Locklin
Buffalo Bob's
Michael Webster
Trains to Moscow: Lewis Carroll's Russian Journal and Cummings' EIMI
Michael Dylan Welch
EIMI and Lewis Aragon' s The Adventures of Telemachus
Rajeev Kumar Kinra
e e at the playground
Frank Ryan
After the Rain
Howard M. Chenfeld
Jack Shadoian
The Night I Let Bukowski Live
Tony Quagliano
Lit'ry Cinqauins
George Held
Epiphany, Sonnet
Aaron Bell
from Yourcenar
Robert Dorsett
My My Mister Cum...
Sedrick A. Goldbeck
The Stars Believe
Rufus Goodwin
Smothered in
William Jeffery Miles
the faithful sun
Theirry Gillyboeuf
The Weight of Tradition: Adynata and the "World Upside Down" in the Poetcy of E. E. Cummings
Antonio Ruiz
Post-Structuralist Cummings
Ian Landles