The Harvard Wake 5 (Spring, 1946) | Spring: The Journal of the E. E. Cummings Society | Grand Valley State University

The Harvard Wake 5 (Spring, 1946)

The special "Cummings number" of The Harvard Wake was edited by Cummings disciple José Garcia Villa. (For more on Villa and Cummings, see John Edwin Cowen's article, "Doveglion—The E. E. Cummings and José Garcia Villa Connection [Spring 10 (2000): 102-109].) EEC contributed the fairy tale "The Old Man who said 'Why?'," (5-8) the poem "love our so right" (9; CP 666), and the play Santa Claus (A Morality) (10-19). Some contributions have been republished:

Moore, Marianne. [untitled statement] The Harvard Wake 5 (Spring 1946): 24. Rpt. in The Complete Prose of Marianne Moore. Ed. Patricia C. Willis. New York: Penguin, 1987. 645-646.

Rosenfeld, Paul. "The Voyages." The Harvard Wake 5 (Spring 1946): 31-46. Rpt. as "The Voyages [EIMI]." E. E. Cummings: A Collection of Critical Essays. Ed. Norman Friedman. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1972. 156-167.

Spencer, Theodore. "Technique as Joy." The Harvard Wake 5 (Spring 1946): 25-29. Rpt. in S. V. Baum, ed. ESTI :eec: E. E. Cummings and the Critics. East Lansing: Michigan State UP, 1962. 119-123.

Williams, William Carlos. "Lower Case Cummings." The Harvard Wake 5 (Spring 1946): 20-23. Rpt. in E. E. Cummings: A Collection of Critical Essays. Ed. Norman Friedman. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1972. 100-103.

Gregory, Horace and Marya Zaturenska. "E. E. Cummings, American Poet of the Commedia dell' Arte." The Harvard Wake 5 (Spring 1946): 65-74. [1]

In a subsequent issue of Wake, Cummings published a group of aphorisms called "Jottings." [Wake 10 (Spring 1951): 81-83. Rpt. in E. E. Cummings: A Miscellany Revised. Ed. George J. Firmage. New York: October House, 1965. 330-332.]

Other contributions (followed by page numbers):

Allen Tate: "A Letter" (30)
Karl Shapiro: "The Bohemian" (45)
Lloyd Frankenberg: "nothing as something as one" (46-54)
Jacques Barzun: "A Word About Him" (55-56)
Lionel Trilling: "On Cummings" (55)
Alfred Kreymborg: "A First and Lasting Impression" (58-60)
Harry Levin: "Of Birds and Books" (61-63)
John Dos Passos: "On Cummings" (64)
Fairfield Porter: "The Paintings of E. E. Cummings" (75-76)
Anon: "Bibliography of E. E. Cummings" (77) [List of books published by EEC through 1945.]
Poems by Wallace Stevens, Conrad Aiken, William Carlos Williams, Mark Van Doren, José Garcia Villa, Seymour Lawrence, Race Newton, and Robert Creeley (78-86)
Donald Berlin: "The Puppy Story" (87-90)


1. Reprinted in Horace Gregory and Marya Zaturenska, A History of American Poetry, 1900-1940. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1947. 336-347. Rpt. as "The Poet of Brattle Street" in S. V. Baum, ed. ESTI :eec: E. E. Cummings and the Critics. East Lansing: Michigan State UP, 1962. 123-132.