"Part I: Policy Dimensions of Offshore Wind Energy Development" by Erik Nordman Ph.D., Betty Gajewski et al.


The deployment of thousands of wind energy facilities required to meet various renewable energy targets will bring changes to the nation’s landscapes, communities, and economies.

The intent of this integrated assessment project is to comprehensively analyze the benefits and challenges to wind energy development in one particular region of coastal West Michigan, including Oceana, Muskegon, Ottawa and Allegan counties.

By combining science and public participation, our integrated assessment will empower citizens and local governments to make informed decisions about wind energy facilities in their communities. Our project will enhance local capacity to mitigate conflicts surrounding wind energy development, and will help Michigan achieve its ten-percent renewable energy target in a manner that is environmentally, economically, and socially appropriate.

This report is a result of work sponsored by the Michigan Sea Grant College Program (#3001274549) under Federal Grant Number NA05OAR4171045 from National Sea Grant, NOAA, U.S. Department of Commerce, and funds from the State of Michigan.


wind energy, offshore, Great Lakes, policy, environment, renewable energy, public perception, Michigan


Environmental Sciences
