Published from 1970 to 1999, Amaranthus was originally a publication of the English Department at Grand Valley State University and later the university's Arts and Humanities Division. Works in Amaranthus included black and white graphics, short stories, poetry, drama, essays, and outstanding term papers by GVSU students.
Amaranthus was continued by Italics (2000-2002) and later by fishladder: A Student Journal of Art and Writing (2003-present).
Colleagues is a bi-annual periodical produced by the Community Outreach office of GVSU’s College of Education (COE), that invites students, staff, faculty, alumni, and community members to contribute articles relating to the field of education. Colleagues informs its readership of COE happenings and current practices in the field of education. Special ‘topic-driven’ issues (race, poverty, special education, etc.) are produced on an intermittent basis.
We at Colleagues believe that schools function as social and political entities as well as for the growth of individuals. The College of Education is committed to ensuring that students, in their chosen academic fields and in their professional education programs, gain the knowledge, skills and resources to become quality educators who lead and serve in local and world communities.

College Student Affairs Leadership
College Student Affairs Leadership highlights the professional interests of student affairs and higher education practitioners, while giving budding scholars the opportunity to present their work to an international audience through a commitment to open access.

Fishladder: A Student Journal of Art and Writing
Fishladder: A Student Journal of Art and Writing is a student-run publication at Grand Valley State University in Allendale, Michigan. We publish students' fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry, drama, photography, and art. Students from across all disciplines in the university are encouraged to submit work in all styles, genres, and forms. fishladder aims to select the best, most artistic work for publication.
The journal accepts submissions throughout the GVSU Fall semester, with a deadline at the end of the December finals week. Submissions are carefully considered by our student staff, and final decisions are made by our editors. The yearly print edition is unveiled every April, with copies available in Lake Ontario Hall and across the Allendale campus. The online edition will be updated annually and archived continually.

Grand Valley Journal of History
The Grand Valley Journal of History provides undergraduate students from all institutions with an opportunity to publish their historically-based research. The GVJH is a journal for all majors, operated by student editors and overseen by a faculty advisory board.
For submission guidelines and formatting requirements, please click on the "submissions" link to the left.
10 Year Anniversary Issue
In celebration, this edition reminisces on the earlier works of the Grand Valley Journal of History, as this year marks the 10 year anniversary of the journal’s inception. This special collection highlights the considerable growth of the journal over the past decade by compiling an article from volumes one through seven that best represents Zeitgeist, or the “spirit of the times.” Our editors' notes have a common theme of noticing how some perspectives of historical events and cultural ideas have stayed the same, while others have shifted. By looking back into history, we can see that the spirit of the times may not be the same as it once was, or that the spirit itself is what has driven both material and ideological changes across time. We thank you for your readership and continued interest in the Grand Valley Journal of History.

Published from 2000-2003, Italics was a publication of Grand Valley State University's Arts and Humanities Division. Works in Italics included poetry, fiction, and nonfiction written by GVSU students.
Italics was preceded by Amaranthus (1970-1999) and continued by fishladder: A Student Journal of Art and Writing (2003-present).

Journal of Tourism Insights
“The Journal of Tourism Insights” has ceased publication after the Volume 14 (2024) issue.
The Journal of Tourism Insights, is the official refereed publication of RECNet (The Recreation Experience Community Network) a non-profit organization whose mission is to serve as a vehicle to communicate, educate and promote standards of professionalism within the tourism industry and to provide opportunities for continuing education, networking and awareness of industry trends. Each submission is blind reviewed by at least two respected hospitality or tourism professors.
The Journal of Tourism Insights is recognized by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

Language Arts Journal of Michigan
The Language Arts Journal of Michigan (LAJM) is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal that focuses on literacy and English language arts education at all instructional levels. Since 1985, the journal has been published biannually by the Michigan Council of Teachers of English (MCTE), a state affiliate of the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE). The LAJM publishes original articles in the following areas: English education methods, K-12 practice, classroom research, critical pedagogy, teacher narrative, literary criticism, review of professional works or young adult fiction, and essays, short fiction, or memoir. The contents of the LAJM do not necessarily reflect the views of MCTE or its members.
The LAJM is hosted by Scholarworks at Grand Valley State University. Please use this site as follows:
- Authors may read the current call, read our submission guidelines or submit an article.
- Interested reviewers may request to review for the LAJM or read our reviewing guidelines.
- Visitors may browse full text articles that have been in publication for six months.
- MCTE members receive two print-based issues of LAJM each year. If you are a MCTE member and would like to obtain a digital copy of a newly published issue before it is made available here to the general public, please email the editors (see Contact Us). To become an MCTE member, please register for the annual conference.

McNair Scholars Journal (McNair Scholars)
The McNair Scholars Journal is the culmination of intensive research and scholarship conducted by GVSU McNair scholars and their faculty mentors at Grand Valley State University through our Ronald E. McNair Scholars Program.
The Ronald E. McNair Postbaccalaureate Achievement program’s goal is to increase the number of minoritized students in PhD programs and careers across the country. That is first generation students with significant financial need (Pell eligible), or members of racial and ethnic groups that are traditionally underrepresented in careers that require Ph.Ds. The program accepts students from all disciplines.
More information about the GVSU McNair Scholars program can be found at
Michigan Journal of Public Health
The mission of the Michigan Journal of Public Health is to promote public health practice, research and policy with specific focus on Michigan and the Great Lakes Region. We encourage contributions from the field of practice, original research, opinion and commentary. It is the expressed interest of this Journal to encourage dissemination from the field of public health practice. The Michigan Public Health Association is the organizing entity of the Michigan Journal of Public Health.
The Editor for the Michigan Journal of Public Health is Dr. Sarah Nechuta. Please contact her with any questions or submission inquiries (
Interested in becoming a peer reviewer? Complete this form.
The journal is open for new submissions for the 2025 issue. Please use the required Manuscript Submission Checklist to support timely review.
Join us for our first Michigan Journal of Public Health Lunchtime Learning Virtual Series-Overview of how to publish in the MJPH- tips and guidance on Tuesday March 25 at 12:00pm ET. To register please see this link Michigan Journal of Public Health Lunchtime Learning Series

Michigan Reading Journal
The Michigan Reading Journal (MRJ) is the peer-reviewed journal of the Michigan Reading Association (MRA) and publishes issues in Fall, Winter, and Spring of each year. The journal serves literacy educators and literacy teacher educators of all levels with research and practitioner articles, as well as book reviews of professional texts and young adult literature. The journal also welcomes submissions of original poetry, short fiction, essays, and artwork.
MITESOL Journal: An Online Publication of MITESOL
We are pleased to introduce MITESOL Journal: An Online Publication of MITESOL (Michigan TESOL). Its mission is to promote excellence in TESOL education and teacher development. Articles in the MITESOL Journal will focus on research studies, issues in the field of TESOL, and theoretically grounded discussions of teaching methods and pedagogy.
Articles may consider any educational level or context, from kindergarten to university and from adult school and community literacy programs to workplace literacy settings. Likely readers and authors of this journal range from preschool teachers to college professors and from those working in schools to those doing advocacy work across the state.
Off the Shelf
Off the Shelf is a biannual publication written by and about Grand Valley State University Libraries. The goal of the publication is to share the impact University Libraries has on faculty, staff, and students at Grand Valley.

Online Readings in Psychology and Culture
Editor's Statement
The Online Readings in Psychology and Culture (ORPC) is designed to serve as a resource for researchers, teachers, students, and anyone who is interested in the interrelationships between Psychology and Culture.
Ought: The Journal of Autistic Culture
Ought: The Journal of Autistic Culture is a peer-reviewed, biannual journal that aims to document autistic culture by publishing scholarly and creative works that examine and explore it. Ought focuses contributions of the autistic community, celebrating the visual, verbal, and non-verbal accomplishments of autistic scholars, artists, and others. It also showcases the work of the scholars, scientists, parents, professionals, and other autistic-adjacent individuals who share experiences with autistic people and influence their lives. In blending creative and critical works about autism, Ought seeks to break down barriers between academic disciplines, between genres of artistic expression, between caretakers and professionals, and finally, between neurotypicals and autistics. Ought is the conversation about autism as it ought to be.

Seidman Business Review (Seidman College of Business)
In order for West Michigan to continue to prosper despite burgeoning national and international competition, it must take full advantage of its many resources. The Seidman College of Business is, therefore, exceptionally pleased to provide to this community the Seidman Business Review. Published annually since 1995 by the Seidman College of Business at Grand Valley State University, the Seidman Business Review provides detailed, insightful commentary and comprehensive, thought-provoking analysis on current issues, trends and problems relevant to the business community of Western Michigan. As the ever-changing global economy presents new challenges to all West Michigan’s businesses, the Seidman Business Review also contains progressive, pertinent, and wide-ranging essays and articles concentrated on current and emerging business knowledge, legislation, and innovations applicable to West Michigan businesses and other public and private organizations.
Seidman College of Business receives tremendous support from the vibrant West Michigan business community and takes seriously our responsibility to support this community, especially in our distinct areas of business and management expertise. It is with gratitude for that support that we present the Seidman Business Review.
Seidman School Management Memo (Seidman College of Business)
SPNA Review (School of Community and Leadership Development)
This publication recognizes the outstanding achievements of our students, while providing evidence of student learning and exemplars of research and writing for new MPA students to emulate. The papers chosen for publication come from across the spectrum of public and nonprofit management, public policy, and health administration. Each paper was initially written to fulfill a course requirement in the MPA curriculum, and then improved and submitted for publication as part of the MPA capstone course, Management Seminar. Finally, a panel of faculty members reviewed the papers and selected the finalists for publication. The papers show the extent to which students about to complete their MPA are able to master a substantive topic area, design and complete a research project, and present their findings in a clear and accessible manner.This journal is continued by the SPNHA Review beginning with volume 6 (2010).
SPNHA Review (School of Community and Leadership Development)
This publication recognizes the outstanding achievements of our students, while providing evidence of student learning and exemplars of research and writing for new MPA students to emulate. The papers chosen for publication come from across the spectrum of public and nonprofit management, public policy, and health administration. Each paper was initially written to fulfill a course requirement in the MPA curriculum, and then improved and submitted for publication as part of the MPA capstone course, Management Seminar. Finally, a panel of faculty members reviewed the papers and selected the finalists for publication. The papers show the extent to which students about to complete their MPA are able to master a substantive topic area, design and complete a research project, and present their findings in a clear and accessible manner.This journal continues the SPNA Review (2005-2009).
Spring: The Journal of the E. E. Cummings Society
Introductory text for Spring: The Journal of the E. E. Cummings Society.
See the Aims and Scope for a complete coverage of the journal.

Studies in Midwestern History
Welcome to Studies in Midwestern History, an online journal affiliated with the Midwestern History Association.
The journal is presently closed to new, unsolicited submissions. Stay tuned!
See About this Journal and Aims & Scope for additional information.
The Midwestern History Association, created in the fall of 2014, is dedicated to rebuilding the field of Midwestern history, which had suffered from decades of neglect and inattention. The MHA advocates for greater attention to Midwestern history among professional historians, seeks to rebuild the infrastructure necessary for the study of the American Midwest, promotes greater academic discourse relating to Midwestern history, and offers prizes to scholars who excel in the study of the Midwest.
Beginning in 2015, the MHA has hosted an annual Midwestern History Conference in Grand Rapids, Michigan, in partnership with the Hauenstein Center at Grand Valley State University. To become a member of the Midwestern History Association, please visit this webpage hosted by the University of Nebraska Press. Members are added to an email list that provides access to news about upcoming conferences, calls for papers, and panel proposals related to Midwestern history. We gladly accept donations toward the cost of our annual prizes and other expenses, as well.
Follow us on Twitter - the MHA tweets from @MwHWG - and find us on Facebook.
Please also follow the Hauenstein Center on Twitter and Facebook.
The Foundation Review
The Foundation Review is the first peer-reviewed journal of philanthropy, written by and for foundation staff and boards, and those who work with them implementing programs. It provides rigorous research and writing, presented in an accessible style.
Our mission: To share evaluation results, tools, and knowledge about the philanthropic sector in order to improve the practice of grantmaking, yielding greater impact and innovation.
On January 1, 2025, the journal transitioned to a Digital Open Access model with all full issues and individual articles freely accessible online to everyone.

The IASJ Journal of Applied Jazz Research
The IASJ Journal of Applied Research is the online journal of the International Association of Schools of Jazz published by Grand Valley State University Libraries.The IASJ Journal of Applied Jazz Research.
See the Aims and Scope for a complete coverage of the journal.
West Michigan Business Review (Seidman College of Business)
The West Michigan Business Review was published by the Seidman School of Business at Grand Valley State University from 1995 through 2000. It is continued by the Seidman Business Review, which is published by the Seidman College of Business.