Calerdo: A Web Application for Event Discovery by Tags
Document Type
Dr. Jamal Alsabbagh,
Embargo Period
This project involved the design and implementation of Calerdo – a web application that allows users to browse social events based upon their personal interests. The events can be either ones that are posted by the user’s Facebook social circle or are publically posted. Calerdo also allows a user to post an event and tag it with a set of “interests”. In that case, Calerdo will suggest the event to other users based upon their own interests.
Calerdo allows a user to post an event with one of three levels of privacy: open, private, or invite-only. An open event will be visible to all users of Calerdo irrespective of whether they have a Facebook account or not. A private event will be visible only to Calerdo users who are Facebook friends of the event’s poster. In that case, the invite can spread since the friends of the friends who join the event will also see the event. An invite-only event will be visible to only the people that the poster chooses to invite.
A shared host web service is used to power the site. The data is stored using MongoDB. Server side scripting is written in object oriented PHP 5.4. The site front end was built on top of the HTML5 Boilerplate responsive template and uses JavaScript and JQuery. Integration with Facebook was done using the Facebook API.
ScholarWorks Citation
Ribbens, Daniel, "Calerdo: A Web Application for Event Discovery by Tags" (2013). Technical Library. 157.