Faculty Scholarly Dissemination Grants

Using Hand Samples, Geologic Maps, and Google Earth to Teach the Geology of Hawaiian Shield Volcanoes

Date Range



Identification and the significance of extrusive igneous rocks are commonly taught separately from types of volcanoes, volcanic products, and map reading skills. In this lesson we model a new approach. Using seven samples collected on the island of Hawaii we use a series of questions to guide students to looking at multiple types of data and visualizations. Students connect the hand sample to a map unit on the geologic maps that provides additional details. Students can quantify the geometry of the unit and the type or source of volcanic event. Measurements can be made from the paper map or from Google earth. Students can fly to specific locations to see photographs purposely added for this activity. The lesson design allows students to construct and synthesize their knowledge from a rich set of diverse data.

Conference Name

annual meeting of the National Science Teachers Association

Conference Location

Chicago, IL

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