ScholarWorks@GVSU - FTLC Fall Conference on Teaching and Learning: Mental Health in the Classroom

Mental Health in the Classroom

Session Location

Eberhard Center 411

Session Start Date and Time

24-8-2011 1:15 PM

Session End Date and Time

24-8-2011 2:15 PM

Session Abstract

College counseling centers across the country report increased frequency and severity of students’ mental health concerns. This session looks to provide both an individual and university perspective around this topic as more and more of our student population are attending college with mental health challenges. Panel members, consisting of students, faculty, and staff will provide information on mental health to in- crease awareness and reduce the stigma associated with it. Opportunities to strategize best practices those who feel the pressure to do something, yet are unsure as to how to begin.

Session Description

College student mental health is an increasing topic of competency for all university professionals, and still not much is known or understood outside of counseling and crisis centers. This interactive session will provide a current snapshot of the changing college student’s mental health needs and challenges most commonly measured through national and institutional research. Drawing from key incidents in the news and pop culture, this session is sure to provide helpful knowledge from various university perspectives, including presenters from the Counseling Center, Women’s Center, Faculty and members of the student organization, Active Minds. Throughout the presentation, participants are encouraged to engage in dialogue among their colleagues, analyzing and applying key themes and definitions, as well as national statistics reflective of increasing challenges faced by the majority of college campuses and communities.

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Aug 24th, 1:15 PM Aug 24th, 2:15 PM

Mental Health in the Classroom

Eberhard Center 411

College counseling centers across the country report increased frequency and severity of students’ mental health concerns. This session looks to provide both an individual and university perspective around this topic as more and more of our student population are attending college with mental health challenges. Panel members, consisting of students, faculty, and staff will provide information on mental health to in- crease awareness and reduce the stigma associated with it. Opportunities to strategize best practices those who feel the pressure to do something, yet are unsure as to how to begin.