ScholarWorks@GVSU - FTLC Fall Conference on Teaching and Learning: Green? Groan? Great? - Making E-books Work for Your Students

Green? Groan? Great? - Making E-books Work for Your Students

Session Location

Eberhard Center 617 B

Session Start Date and Time

24-8-2011 1:35 PM

Session End Date and Time

24-8-2011 1:55 PM

Session Abstract

Even as we consider how to adjust for a changing student body, our technological environment is changing, too. One recent reality in the publishing world is E-books. Book content in digital format now comprises a significant proportion of the information resources available in the university library’s collection. Learn how E-books have been used effectively in several settings in place of traditional print, and participate in discussion about taking more advantage of books as digital objects.

Session Description

Even as we consider how to adjust for a changing student body, our technological environment is changing, too. One recent reality in the publishing world is e-books. Book content in digital format now comprises a significant proportion of the information resources available in the university library’s collection. In this session participants will be presented with information about books in digital format, rather than paper format, that are part of the University Libraries’ collection of information resources. They will also be presented with several examples of digital book content used effectively in the context of required or suggested reading for a course in ways that offer considerable advantage over paper format text. Participants will be invited into discussion about their concerns with digital versus paper as a format for book content, and to explore ways in which digital-format text may be used effectively. The emphasis in this session will be on ways in which book content in digital format can be a pedagogical advantage in some contexts (while acknowledging that there are also some real limitations, too); the session will not be a presentation comparing the technical specifications of various e-book vendor platforms, information which can be provided by other means.

FTLCFall_GreenGroanGreatEbooks_11aug.pdf (2837 kB)
Green Groan Great PowerPoint Presentation

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Aug 24th, 1:35 PM Aug 24th, 1:55 PM

Green? Groan? Great? - Making E-books Work for Your Students

Eberhard Center 617 B

Even as we consider how to adjust for a changing student body, our technological environment is changing, too. One recent reality in the publishing world is E-books. Book content in digital format now comprises a significant proportion of the information resources available in the university library’s collection. Learn how E-books have been used effectively in several settings in place of traditional print, and participate in discussion about taking more advantage of books as digital objects.