ScholarWorks@GVSU - FTLC Fall Conference on Teaching and Learning: Meat and/or Potatoes: Information Literacy Instruction à la Carte

Meat and/or Potatoes: Information Literacy Instruction à la Carte

Session Location

Eberhard Center 421 A

Session Start Date and Time

24-8-2011 1:15 PM

Session End Date and Time

24-8-2011 1:45 PM

Session Abstract

Do you have a class with diverse information literacy skills and needs? Do you want to customize information literacy instruction to meet those needs? Come hear about one approach that a WRT 150 instructor and a research and instruction librarian took to do just that. You will learn about the Information Literacy Core Competencies and come away with ideas for using them to customize information literacy instruction and integrate it into your course.

Session Description

“Information literacy is a set of skills which includes finding information effectively; managing the abundance of information available; thinking critically about resources; synthesizing and incorporating information into one’s knowledge base; creatively expressing and effectively communicating new knowledge; using information ethically; and using knowledge to better society.” [from the GVSU Library website at] The Information Literacy Core Competencies (ILCCs) have framed these skills into a set of six goals with tiered objectives, all of which taken together represent what an information-literate person knows how to do. The competencies are not linear. As the ILCC document states: “The order in which information literacy skills are learned is dependent on one's specific information needs and existing skills.” In a freshman WRT 150 class, students come from diverse educational and home backgrounds. Therefore, those information needs and existing skills are different for every student and, consequently, for the class as a whole. That is why Nicholas Johnson, WRT 150 instructor, and Kathryn Waggoner, research and instruction librarian, teamed together to decide which ILCCs should be taught in Professor Johnson’s class. This session will focus on how they chose the ILCCs that they chose, how these were integrated into the overall class experience, and the benefits students derived from such an approach.

Additional Comments

FTLC Fall Teaching Conference

Session intro.pdf (48 kB)
Session Introduction

Meat and Potatoes.pdf (54 kB)
Session PowerPoint Presentation

Session part 3.pdf (67 kB)
Session Part 3 - Lessons

This document is currently not available here.


Aug 24th, 1:15 PM Aug 24th, 1:45 PM

Meat and/or Potatoes: Information Literacy Instruction à la Carte

Eberhard Center 421 A

Do you have a class with diverse information literacy skills and needs? Do you want to customize information literacy instruction to meet those needs? Come hear about one approach that a WRT 150 instructor and a research and instruction librarian took to do just that. You will learn about the Information Literacy Core Competencies and come away with ideas for using them to customize information literacy instruction and integrate it into your course.