
Thirty years ago, education conference panelists shared concerns regarding collaboration between education faculty and librarians and they presented ideas for expanding these partnerships. A review of their ideas raises an important question: In what ways have their ideas for collaboration and partnership been realized? To answer this question, the authors conducted a review of the literature regarding education faculty-librarian collaboration. Findings indicate that when collaborating with education faculty, there are three roles librarians have embodied: librarian-as-reference, librarian-as-consultant, and librarian-as-instructor. These roles contribute to the realization of the panelists’ proposed ideas and offer suggestions for future collaboration and research possibilities.


Higher Education | Library and Information Science


Scripps-Hoekstra, L., & Hamilton, E. R. (2016). Back to the future: Prospects for education faculty and librarian collaboration thirty years later. Education Libraries, 39(1). http://educationlibraries.mcgill.ca/article/view/10
