Date of Award


Document Status

Open Access

Degree Type


Degree Name

Occupational Therapy (M.S.)


Occupational Therapy

First Advisor

Jeanine Beasley


This qualitative phenomenological study was designed to identify parent or guardian perceptions on the benefits of dance and movement-based interventions for their child who has Down syndrome. Individuals with Down syndrome face limitations in social-emotional skills, physical skills, and life skills, and research on the benefits of dance and movement-based interventions demonstrated some evidence of improvements in these skills. Researchers utilized a parent focus group in order to gain insight into how dance impacts their children with Down syndrome. A number of themes emerged from the data analysis process including improved movement, psychological well-being, and routine and retention. The theme of improved movement included concepts such as motor planning, balance, coordination, exercise, and increased strength and tone. The theme of psychological well-being included increased happiness, connecting with typically developing peers, and a sense of belonging. The theme of routine and retention included ideas about structure, routine, and learning and applying skills. The implications for dance and movement-based intervention in the field of occupational therapy are discussed, as well as suggestions for further research studies on this topic.
