Date Approved


Graduate Degree Type


Degree Name

Nursing (M.S.N.)

Degree Program

College of Nursing

First Advisor

Katherine Kim

Second Advisor

Andrea Bostrom

Third Advisor

Debra Berry


The purpose of this study was to determine if elderly patients receive less analgesic than younger patients postoperatively and if that reduction in analgesia results from the physician's order, the administration, or both. Hospital records of 161 females with abdominal surgery were reviewed to collect data. The sample was divided into 6 age groups. The findings did not support with increased age from 25 years, less analgesic medication was prescribed for the first and second 24 hour period postoperatively (p {dollar}>{dollar}.05). The findings indicate, as age increased from 25 years, less analgesic medication was administered in the first 24 hours (p {dollar}{dollar}.05). A paired t test indicated for each age group significantly less analgesia was administered than was prescribed (p {dollar}<{dollar}.05). Implications for nursing practice were identified.


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