Date Approved


Graduate Degree Type


Degree Name

Nursing (M.S.N.)

Degree Program

College of Nursing


Fatigue is the number one side effect that patients experience when they receive chemotherapy. They do not always expect it or know what to do when it effects their entire life. This study described the affect of early nursing interventions on fatigue caused by chemotherapy. This descriptive, two group comparative study used a convenience sample of patients, receiving chemotherapy for the first time, to determine the degree of fatigue they experienced. A tool by Barbara Piper RN (1997) was used to describe the effect of early intervention on fatigue experienced by cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. Internal consistency of this tool was previously determined to be .97 per Cronbach’s alpha. The fatigue experience of patients was ranked from 0 to 10. A paired t test, independent test, and Person’s r were performed, suggesting no significant difference between the two groups in their perception of chemotherapy-induced fatigue was apparent when a fatigue intervention was introduced to one set of patients.


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