Colleagues is a bi-annual periodical produced by the Community Outreach office of GVSU’s College of Education (COE), that invites students, staff, faculty, alumni, and community members to contribute articles relating to the field of education. Colleagues informs its readership of COE happenings and current practices in the field of education. Special ‘topic-driven’ issues (race, poverty, special education, etc.) are produced on an intermittent basis.
We at Colleagues believe that schools function as social and political entities as well as for the growth of individuals. The College of Education is committed to ensuring that students, in their chosen academic fields and in their professional education programs, gain the knowledge, skills and resources to become quality educators who lead and serve in local and world communities.
Current Issue: Volume 15, Issue 1 (2018) Social Justice
Teaching and Teacher Preparation as Equity Work
Paula Lancaster
Interpretations of Social Justice
Brian G. Johnson and Aliya Armstrong