Date Approved


Graduate Degree Type


Degree Name

Education-Higher Education (M.Ed.)

Degree Program

College of Education

Academic Year



Trauma negatively impacts student outcomes and is a problem that should be better understood and addressed in our K-12 educational systems. Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and other household challenges have a positive correlation with difficulties across the lifespan (Plumb, Bush, & Kerseivich, 2016). This project will seek to explore those difficulties experienced by school-aged children in particular, and how trauma (ACEs) negatively impacts academic performance specifically. ACEs have a detrimental impact on the developing brain and the result of this effects the child in several ways, including behavioral issues at school (Plumb, Bush, & Kerseivich, 2016). Valuable research and evidence breaks down what ACEs are, how they affect children and student outcomes, the benefit of implementing traumainformed care to promote resiliency, and how school counselors can utilize this information to inform other educators and improve their own practices and delivery of services to students who have experienced trauma. Key components will be the exploration of why it is essential to use trauma-informed care approaches in the school system, how trauma-informed care can directly benefit student outcomes, examples of trauma-informed implementations in the school setting, and how a school counselor can play the biggest role in moving forward with implementation.

Included in

Education Commons
