Date Approved
Graduate Degree Type
Degree Name
Education-Instruction and Curriculum: Early Childhood Education (M.Ed.)
Degree Program
Teacher Education
First Advisor
Sheri Klee
Second Advisor
Kathryn Ohle
Academic Year
This project examines the prevalent issue of childhood trauma, how it affects a child’s development, and the ways in which school environments and educators can either cause further harm to students with trauma symptoms and how they can help facilitate healing. The importance of restorative discipline that is both culturally conscious and trauma sensitive is highlighted as well as the racial disparities that are present among Black and brown students when it comes to punitive and exclusionary discipline. Research shows that children thrive in trauma sensitive environments and that positive, caring teacher-student relationships are critical for the success of both restorative discipline and trauma sensitive practices. The goal of this project is to teach educators to become trauma sensitive and culturally conscious and to use restorative discipline instead of harsh punitive and exclusionary discipline whenever possible. A professional development was created to raise awareness on the prevalence and effects of trauma and how to avoid compounding trauma symptoms of students. By helping teachers to become trauma sensitive, culturally conscious and to use restorative discipline, students have a better chance at having quality educational experiences that support them holistically, causing no harm and creating safe spaces for healing and growth.
ScholarWorks Citation
Potapa, Sara C., "The Need for Trauma Informed. Culturally Conscious Restorative Discipline" (2024). Culminating Experience Projects. 471.