A Preliminary Study of the Gains Made in Reading After Twelve Weeks of Instruction with the Fusion Reading Program
Exhibition Hall, DeVos Center
Background: There are many students throughout the United States who require some form of reading remediation and intervention. While a variety of reading intervention programs exist for struggling readers in the elementary grades, this is not the case for struggling secondary readers. Many students are unable to keep up with the demands of the secondary curriculum because they do not have the reading skills and strategies that are required in order to be successful. More and more students are leaving high school with insufficient reading skills, and are unprepared for post-secondary education. Some of the intervention programs that are currently being utilized with struggling secondary readers were examined in this study. The purpose of this study was to begin to determine the efficacy of the Fusion Reading Program for struggling seventh-grade readers. Results: The results of this preliminary study indicated that students made gains in the areas of reading comprehension and fluency after twelve weeks of instruction with the Fusion Reading Program. Students also made gains in the area of decoding; however, these results were not as significant as those made in the areas of reading comprehension and fluency. Conclusion: Though the participants in this study only had twelve weeks of instruction with the Fusion Reading Program, the gains that students made in reading indicate that the Fusion Reading Program is an effective reading intervention program for struggling secondary readers and should be examined by schools looking to provide support for these students.
A Preliminary Study of the Gains Made in Reading After Twelve Weeks of Instruction with the Fusion Reading Program
Exhibition Hall, DeVos Center
Background: There are many students throughout the United States who require some form of reading remediation and intervention. While a variety of reading intervention programs exist for struggling readers in the elementary grades, this is not the case for struggling secondary readers. Many students are unable to keep up with the demands of the secondary curriculum because they do not have the reading skills and strategies that are required in order to be successful. More and more students are leaving high school with insufficient reading skills, and are unprepared for post-secondary education. Some of the intervention programs that are currently being utilized with struggling secondary readers were examined in this study. The purpose of this study was to begin to determine the efficacy of the Fusion Reading Program for struggling seventh-grade readers. Results: The results of this preliminary study indicated that students made gains in the areas of reading comprehension and fluency after twelve weeks of instruction with the Fusion Reading Program. Students also made gains in the area of decoding; however, these results were not as significant as those made in the areas of reading comprehension and fluency. Conclusion: Though the participants in this study only had twelve weeks of instruction with the Fusion Reading Program, the gains that students made in reading indicate that the Fusion Reading Program is an effective reading intervention program for struggling secondary readers and should be examined by schools looking to provide support for these students.