
About the IASJ Journal of Applied Jazz Research

Ongoing Dialogues

The Ongoing Dialogues are sessions during the annual IASJ Jazz Meeting in which jazz educators, performers and directors of jazz programs convene to discuss the state of jazz performance, education and research. The research presented and discussed during the Ongoing Dialogues are different in content, format and setting than the research presented during regular research conferences. No time pressure, highly interactive, mind provoking. The discussions did not stop at the end of the dialogues but went on during the meeting, during the year, during the decades.

Applied Jazz Research

The appropriate name for the kind of research that was and is presented during the Ongoing Dialogues is 'applied jazz research'. It is the kind of research that has a direct link to jazz performance and jazz education. Applicability, usability, reproducibility are the key words. The mot asked question in the discussions was: 'but how do I use all of this information in my school, in my country, in my culture?'. Answers were given directly and clearly.

Journal for Applied Jazz Research

In order to keep the discussion after each presentation a lively as possible, no recordings were made, no reports were written up. Time has come to share on a larger scale the content and depth of the discussions during the Ongoing Dialogues. The IASJ is happy and grateful to collaborate with Grand Valley State Libraries to be able to create this journal, this platform, this lively forum that will reflect, support and promote what is going in in jazz performance, education and research.