Publication Date
This repository of value instruments includes the numerous authorized language versions of each of the four instruments developed by Schwartz to measure the basic values in his theory: The Schwartz Value Survey (SVS), the Portrait Values Questionnaire (PVQ40), the PVQ21 (aka the Human Values Scale of the European Social Survey [ESS21]), and the revised PVQ-RR. For each instrument, the repository includes instructions for coding and analysis and the most important references relevant to it. A short introductory essay briefly outlines the key assumptions underlying the theory and instruments, the principles that organize the values into a circle, and the translation protocol. The essay includes a table that compares the four instruments on 12 characteristics relevant for choosing the one most appropriate for use in a particular study.
Click on 'download' to see the introductory essay.
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License.
Recommended Citation
Schwartz, S. H. (2021). A Repository of Schwartz Value Scales with Instructions and an Introduction. Online Readings in Psychology and Culture, 2(2).

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- Abstract Views: 14763
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- News Mentions: 1
ESS21 (PVQ21)
- 0 Coding and syntax
- Austria m&f
- Belgium Flemish m&f
- Belgium French m&f
- Chinese Simplified MF
- Cyprus m&f
- Czech Republic m&f
- Denmark m&f
- English m&f
- Estonia Estonian m&f
- Estonia Russian m&f
- Finland m&f
- France French mf
- Germany m&f
- Greece m&f
- Hungary m&f same
- Iceland Icelandic m&f
- Ireland m&F English
- Israel Arabic m&f
- Israel Hebrew m&f
- Israel Russian m&f
- Italy m&f
- Latvian m&f
- Luxembourg Luxembourgish m&f +
- Netherlands m&f
- Norway m&f
- Poland m&f draft
- Portugal m&f
- Romanian person A rather than m&f
- Russian m&f
- Slovakia Hungarian m&f
- Slovakia Slovakian m&f
- Slovenia m&f together
- Spain Catalan m&f
- Spain Spanish m&f
- Sweden m&f
- Switzerland m&f Fr Ger It
- Turkey Turkish
- Ukraine Russian m&f
- Ukraine Ukrainian m&f
- United Kingdom m&f English
- Coding & analysis instructions PVQ-RR
- PVQ-RR Albanian MF
- PVQ-RR Amharic MF
- PVQ-RR Arabic M&F
- PVQ-RR Bahasa Indonesia mf same
- PVQ-RR Bahasa Malaysia MF same
- PVQ-RR Basque mf same Gil de Montes
- PVQ-RR Bengali MF
- PVQ-RR Chinese MF traditional revised
- PVQ-RR Chinese MF traditional Taiwan
- PVQ-RR Chinese MF
- PVQ-RR Chinese Simplified MF
- PVQ-RR Croatian MF
- PVQ-RR Czech m&f
- PVQ-RR Dutch M&F Kruijf & van Berkum adjusted Velema
- PVQ-RR Eng M&F
- PVQ-RR Estonian mF same
- PVQ-RR Faroese M&F
- PVQ-RR Filipino mf same
- PVQ-RR Finnish mf
- PVQ-RR French MF France Hammer
- PVQ-RR French MF SWitz Pulfrey
- PVQ-RR Georgian M&F same
- PVQ-RR German MF
- PVQ-RR Greek MF
- PVQ-RR Hebrew MF
- PVQ-RR Hindi MF
- PVQ-RR Icelandic M & F
- PVQ-RR Inuktitut mf same
- PVQ-RR Italian MF
- PVQ-RR Japanese mf same
- PVQ-RR Kiswahili mf same
- PVQ-RR Korean MF
- PVQ-RR Macedonian MF
- PVQ-RR Norwegian m&f
- PVQ-RR Persian mf same
- PVQ-RR Polish mf
- PVQ-RR Portuguese MF Brazil
- PVQ-RR Portuguese MF Portugal
- PVQ-RR Romanian M&F
- PVQ-RR Russian MF
- PVQ-RR Serbian MF
- PVQ-RR Sinhalese MF
- PVQ-RR Slovak m&f
- PVQ-RR Spanish Costa Rica MF
- PVQ-RR Spanish m&f Bobowik
- PVQ-RR Swedish MF
- PVQ-RR Thai mf
- PVQ-RR Turkish mf same
- PVQ-RR Ukrainian MF
- PVQ-RR Urdu MF
- PVQ-RR Vietnamese M&F
- PQ 40 Arabic Algeria
- PQ 40 Arabic M&F
- PQ IV Chinese easy Wang Xiaoming
- PQ IV Chinese for adolescents
- PQ IV Chinese Simplified MF Chen Dadi
- PQ IV ChineseMF (traditional) Sun
- PQ IV CzechM
- PQ IV DanishM&F
- PQ IV DutchMF PSmit
- PQ IV EnglishM&F
- PQ IV Estonian
- PQ IV Farsi (MF same)
- PQ IV Finland (MF same)
- PQ IV French Quebec
- PQ IV FrenchMF
- PQ IV Georgian final (MF same)
- PQ IV German MF with key
- PQ IV Greek MF
- PQ IV HebrewM&F
- PQ IV HungarianM&Fsame
- PQ IV Indonesia Bahasa M&F same
- PQ IV Italian M&F
- PQ IV JapanMF
- PQ IV Korean
- PQ IV Lithuanian MF
- PQ IV M&F Spanish Mexico
- PQ IV Malay MF
- PQ IV Malayia Bahasa Melayu
- PQ IV Norwegian M&F
- PQ IV Philippines (FilipinoTagolog)
- PQ IV Polish m&f
- PQ IV PortugueseM&F
- PQ IV Romanian M&F
- PQ IV RussianM
- PQ IV Slovak MF
- PQ IV Spanish M (Chile)
- PQ IV SpanishM (Mexico)
- PQ IV SpanishM&F (Spain)
- PQ IV SpanishM&F (Venezuela)
- PQ IV SwedishMF
- PQ IV Tamil
- PQ IV Turkish
- PQ IV UkrainianM&F
- PQ IV Urdu
- PQ IV VietnameseM&F
- 0 Coding and Analysis Instructions for SVS
- SVS57Afrikaans
- SVS57Albanian
- SVS57Arabic Israel
- SVS57Arabic Oman
- SVS57Armenian
- SVS57Bosnian
- SVS57Bulgarian
- SVS57Chinese simplified
- SVS57Chinese Traditional
- SVS57Croatian no accents
- SVS57Czech
- SVS57Danish
- SVS57Dutch
- SVS57East Timor Bahasa
- SVS57East Timor Portuguese
- SVS57English
- SVS57Estonian
- SVS57Filipino (Tagolog)
- SVS57Finish
- SVS57French
- SVS57German
- Svs57Greek
- SVS57Hebrew Israel
- SVS57Hindi
- SVS57Hungarian
- SVS57Italian
- SVS57Japanese
- SVS57Korean
- SVS57Latvian
- SVS57Lithuanian
- SVS57Macedonian
- SVS57MalaysiaMelayu Bahasa
- SVS57Norwegian
- SVS57Persian Iran
- SVS57Polish
- SVS57Portuguese (some orthography problems)
- SVS57Romainian
- SVS57Russian
- SVS57Spanish Adult address
- SVS57Spanish Argentina
- SVS57Spanish Mexico
- SVS57Spanish Spain
- SVS57Swedish
- SVS57Thai
- SVS57Turkish
- SVS57Ukranian
- SVS57Vietnamese