

Whilst many studies have shown the positive impact which faith-based organisations have contributed to global development, a question arises over the effectiveness of these institutions at imparting to their beneficiaries what makes them unique – their faiths. This study seeks to review the literature and interview key members of Catholic faith-based organisations to better understand the role that evangelisation, which is defined as “bringing the Good News of Jesus into every human situation,” plays in their work. The study focuses in particular on Catholic educational organisations and seeks to understand if they have institutionalised measures of success for this component of their ministry. The research finds that there is a great shortage of academic study on this element of the faith-based nonprofit sector. Furthermore, it was found that although faith-based organisations are by their nature defined by their religious aspect, this element is not universally measured, nor seen as necessarily the primary focus of organisations’ work. Through brief questionnaires, it was determined that evaluation methods differ amongst Catholic organisations in different geographical regions. Additionally, at times it may simply be impractical or irrelevant to measure the outcome of this evangelisation component of an organisation’s work. Notwithstanding this, the questionnaires found that measures of some elements of spiritual development are being used either formally or informally in many Catholic educational centres around the world.
