Bibliography | Spring: The Journal of the E. E. Cummings Society | Grand Valley State University

An E. E. Cummings Bibliography

(For a shorter, introductory list, go to "Deciphering Cummings")

compiler: Michael Webster

Primary Sources (writings by Cummings)
Research and Bibliographic Resources (other lists of books by and about Cummings)
Collections of Critical Essays on Cummings
Secondary Sources (writings about Cummings)
A Norman Friedman Bibliography

Works Cited: Primary Sources

  • Ahearn, Barry, ed. Pound / Cummings: The Correspondence of Ezra Pound and E. E. Cummings. Ann Arbor: U of Michigan P, 1996. Abbreviated P/C.
  • Cummings, E. E. Complete Poems 1913-1962. Ed George J. Firmage. New York: HBJ, 1972.
  • ---. Complete Poems, 1904-1962. New York: Liveright, 1994. Abbreviated CP.
  • ---. Etcetera: The Unpublished Poems of E. E. Cummings. Ed. George James Firmage and Richard S. Kennedy. New York: Liveright, 1983. Abbreviated ETC.
  • ---. The Enormous Room: A typescript edition with drawings by the author. Ed. George James Firmage. New York: Liveright, 1978.
  • ---. The Enormous Room. 1922. Introduction. Susan Cheever. Ed. George James Firmage. Afterword. Richard S. Kennedy. New York: Liveright, 2014.
  • ---. "Gaston Lachaise." The Dial 68 (Feb. 1920): 194-204. E. E. Cummings: A Miscellany Revised. Ed. George J. Firmage. New York: October House, 1965. 13-24.
  • ---. Him. New York: Boni and Liveright, 1927. Reprinted. New York: Liveright, 1955, 1970.
  • ---. CIOPW. ["Charcoal Ink Oil Pencil & Watercolours"] New York: Covici, Friede, 1931.
  • ---. EIMI. New York: Covici, Friede, 1933. Reprinted. New York: William Sloane, 1949. Reprinted with an introduction by EEC, New York: Grove Press, 1958.
  • ---. EIMI: A Journey Through Soviet Russia 1933. Ed. George James Firmage. New York: Liveright, 2007.
  • ---. Tom: A Ballet. New York: Arrow Editions, 1935.
  • ---. Santa Claus: A Morality. New York: Henry Holt, 1946. Print and Web.
  • ---. i: six nonlectures. Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1953.
  • ---. E. E. Cummings: A Miscellany Revised. Ed. George J. Firmage. New York: October House, 1965.
  • ---. Fairy Tales. Illus. John Eaton. New York: HBJ, 1965.
  • ---. Three Plays and A Ballet. Ed. George J. Firmage. New York: October House, 1967. [Contains the plays Him, Anthropos, Santa Claus, and the ballet Tom.]
  • ---. The Theatre of E. E. Cummings. Ed. George J. Firmage. Afterword Norman Friedman. New York: Liveright 2013. [Contains the plays Him, Anthropos, Santa Claus, and the ballet Tom]
  • ---. Selected Letters of E. E. Cummings. Ed. F.W. Dupee and George Stade. New York: HBJ, 1969.
  • ---. Selected Poems. Ed. Richard S. Kennedy. New York: Liveright, 1994. Abbreviated SP.
  • ---. "T. S. Eliot." The Dial 68 (June 1920): 781-84. Rpt. in E. E. Cummings: A Miscellany Revised. Ed. George J. Firmage. New York: October House, 1965. 25-29.
  • Kostelanetz, Richard, and John Rocco, eds. AnOther E. E. Cummings. New York: Liveright, 1998.
  • [Mitchell, R. Stweart, ed.] Eight Harvard Poets. New York: Laurence J. Gomme, 1917.
  • Morehouse, Marion and E. E. Cummings. Adventures in Value. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1962. [A book of photographs with comments by EEC.]

Works Cited: Research and Bibliographic Resources

  • Harris, Kurt W. "Annotated Bibliography of E. E. Cummings Scholarship, 1985-1993." Spring 6 New Series (1997): 175-186.
  • Firmage, George J. E. E. Cummings: A Bibliography. Middletown, Con.: Wesleyan UP, 1960. [Descriptive list of publications by Cummings.]
  • Lozynsky, Artem. "An Annotated Bibliography of Works on Cummings." Journal of Modern Literature 7.1 (1979): 350-393.
  • McBride, Katharine Winters. A Concordance to the Complete Poems of E. E. Cummings. Ithaca: Cornell UP, 1989. [Lists locations of all words in 1972 Complete Poems.]
  • Rotella, Guy. E. E. Cummings: A Reference Guide. Boston: G.K. Hall, 1979. [Annotated listing of works about Cummings' work.]
  • ---. "E. E. Cummings: A Reference Guide Updated."Resources for American Literary Studies, 12.2 (1982): 143-88.
  • ---. "E. E. Cummings: A Reference Guide (Again) Updated: Part One (to 1986)." Spring New Series (1992): 127-143.
  • ---. "E. E. Cummings: A Reference Guide (Again) Updated: Part Two (1987-1993)." Spring 2 New Series (1993): 107-123.
  • Wagner-Martin, Linda. "E. E. Cummings: A Review of the Research and Criticism." Resources for American Literary Study 11 (1981): 184-214.

Works Cited: Collections of Critical Essays on Cummings

  • Baum, S. V., ed. ΕΣΤΙ :eec: E. E. Cummings and the Critics. East Lansing: Michigan State UP, 1962.
  • Dendinger, Lloyd N., ed. E.E. Cummings: The Critical Reception. Burt Franklin: New York, 1981.
  • Flajšar, Jiří and Zénó Vernyik, eds. Words into Pictures: E. E. Cummings’ Art Across Borders. Newcastle, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2007.
  • Friedman, Norman, ed. E. E. Cummings: A Collection of Critical Essays. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, 1972.
  • Rotella, Guy, ed. Critical Essays on E. E. Cummings. Boston: G.K. Hall, 1984.

Works Cited: Secondary Sources

  • Alfandary, Isabelle. E. E. Cummings, ou la minuscule lyrique. Paris: Belin, 2002.
  • ---. "Voice and Silence in E. E. Cummings' Poetry." Spring 9 (2000): 36-43.
  • ---. “La grammaire au risque du sonnet dans la poésie d'E. E. Cummings.” Le sonnet au risque du sonnet: ctes du colloque internationale de Besançon, 8, 9 et 10 décembre 2004. Ed. Bertrand Degott and Pierre Garrigue. Paris: L'Harmattan, 2006. 107-122.
  • ---. "Love, rain, etc.: écriture et lieu commun dans la poésie d'E. E. Cummings." Revue Française d'Études Américaines 85 (June 2000): 33-40.
  • ---. "The Posterity of Idiosyncrasies: E. E. Cummings’ Influence on Post-War American Poetry." >Words into Pictures. Ed. Jiří Flajšar and Zénó Vernyik. 58-67.
  • ---. "Poetry as Ungrammar in E. E. Cummings's Poems." Modernism Revisited: Transgressing Boundaries and Strategies of Renewal in American Poetry. Ed. Viorica Patea and Paul Scott Derrick. Amsterdam / New York: Rodopi, 2007. 111-120.
  • ---. Le risque de la lettre: lectures de la poésie moderniste américaine. Lyon: ENS Editions, 2012. [Discusses the anomalous position of the writings of Gertrude Stein, E. E. Cummings, and John Cage in the context of modernism.]
  • Alkalay-Gut, Karen. "Sex and the Single Engine: E. E. Cummings' Experiment in Metaphoric Equation," Journal of Modern Literature 20 (1996): 254-258.
  • Allen, Frederick Lewis. Only Yesterday: An Informal History of the Nineteen-Twenties. 1931. New York: Harper & Row / Perennial, 1964.
  • Anderson, Kathryn E. "Body Language: Ballet as Form in Literary Modernism, 1915-1935." Ph.D. thesis. University of East Anglia, School of Literature, Drama, and Creative Writing. UEA Digital Repository (August 2014). Web.
  • Arthos, John. "The Poetry of E. E. Cummings." American Literature 14.4 (Jan. 1943): 372-390.
  • Babcock, Sister Mary David, O.S.B. "Cummings' Typography: An Ideogrammic Style." Renascence 15 (1963): 115-123.
  • Badger, Reid. A Life in Ragtime: A Biography of James Reese Europe. New York: Oxford UP, 1995.
  • Baker, Sheridan. "Cummings and Catullus." Modern Language Notes 74 (1959): 231-234.
  • Barton, Cynthia. "Cummings' MEMORABILIA." The Explicator 22.4 (Dec. 1963), item #26.
  • Baum, S. V. "E. E. Cummings: The Technique of Immediacy." South Atlantic Quarterly 53 (1954): 70-88. Rpt. in Friedman, E. E. Cummings: A Collection of Critical Essays. 104-20.
  • ---. ed. ΕΣΤΙ :eec: E. E. Cummings and the Critics. East Lansing: Michigan State UP, 1962.
  • Beloof, Robert L. "E. E. Cummings: The Prosodic Shape of His Poems." Diss. Evanston: Northwestern University, 1954.
  • Bentley, Eric. "Him" in The Modern Repertoire: Series Two. Bloomington: Indiana UP, 1952: 485-494.
  • Bishop, John Peale. "The Poems and Prose of E.E. Cummings." Southern Review 4 (1938): 173-86. Rpt. in Rotella, Critical Essays. 125-35.
  • Blackmur, R. P. "Notes on E. E. Cummings' Language." Hound and Horn 4 (1931): 163-92. Rpt. in Form and Value in Modern Poetry. Garden City, NY: Doubleday- Anchor, 1957. 287-312.
  • ---. "Twelve Poets." Southern Review 7 (1941): 187-213. Rpt. as "Review of 50 Poems." in Friedman ed. E.E. Cummings: A Collection of Critical Essays. 75-78.
  • Blum, W. C. [James Sibley Watson]. “The Perfumed Paraphrase of Death.” Rev. of Tulips and Chimneys by E. E. Cummings. The Dial 76 (January 1924): 49-52. Rpt. in Dendinger, ed. E.E. Cummings: The Critical Reception. 31-33.
  • Bogan, Louise. "The Imaginative Directions of Our Time." Rev. of Poems 1923-1954, by E. E. Cummings. The New Yorker 30 (Dec. 11, 1954): 98-102. Rpt. in Baum, ed. ΕΣΤΙ:eec: E. E. Cummings and the Critics. 193-94.
  • Bradford, Richard. "Cummings and the Brotherhood of Visual Poetics." Words into Pictures. Ed. Jiří Flajšar and Zénó Vernyik. 2-26.
  • Brauer, George C. "Cummings' (one!)." Explicator 16 (1957/1958), item 14.
  • Breit, Harvey. “E. E. CUMMINGS.” New York Times Book Review, December 31, 1950. Rpt. in The Writer Observed. Cleveland and New York: World Publishing, 1956. 159-161.
  • Britton, John. "Cummings' Pity This Busy Monster,Manunkind." Explicator 18 (Oct. 1959), item 5.
  • Brown, Slater. "Review of Tulips and Chimneys." Broom 6 (1924): 26-28. Rpt. Critical Essays on E. E. Cummings. Ed. Guy Rotella. Boston: G.K. Hall, 1984. 38-39.
  • Buchanan, Patricia and Tal-Mason Cline. “The Whole E. E. Cummings.” E. E. Cummings: A Collection of Critical Essays. Ed. Norman Friedman. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1972. 60-70.
  • Buck, R. A. "When Syntax Leads a Rondo with a Paintbrush: The Aesthetics of E. E. Cummings' 'in Just-' Revisited." Spring: The Journal of the E. E. Cummings Society 18 (2011): 134-159.
  • Carr, Arthur. "Cummings' 'Anyone Lived in a Pretty How Town'." Explicator 11.2 (Nov. 1952): item 6.
  • Carruth, Allison. "The Space Stage and the Circus: E. E. Cummings' Him and Frederick Kiesler's Raumbühne.” Modern Drama 51.4 (Winter 2008): 458-81.
  • Chan, Sewell. "Revisiting Joe Gould's Secret." New York Times City Room: Blogging from the Five Boroughs (17 Aug. 2007). Web.
  • Chaney, Michael A. "E. E. Cummings's Tom: A Ballet and Uncle Tom's Doll-Dance of Modernism." Journal of Modern Literature 34.2 (Winter 2011): 22-44. [A web version may be found here.]
  • Cheever, Susan. E. E. Cummings: A Life. New York: Pantheon, 2014.
  • Cherry, James M. "Parody, E. E. Cummings, and Uncle Tom's Cabin." Modern Drama 57.2 (2014): 187-206.
  • Chinitz, David. "Cummings' Challenge to Academic Standards." Spring 5 (1996); 78-81.
  • Chott, Larry. "The Sight of Sound: Cummings' 'oil tel duh woil doi sez'." Spring 6 (1997): 45-48.
  • Cohen, Milton. A. "Cummings and Freud." American Literature 55 (1983): 591-610.
  • ---. PoetandPainter: The Aesthetics of E. E. Cummings's Early Work. Detroit: Wayne State UP, 1987.
  • ---. “E. E. Cummings: Modernist Painter and Poet.” Smithsonian Studies in American Art 4.2 (Spring, 1990): 54-74.
  • ---. "The Dial's 'White-Haired Boy': E. E. Cummings as Dial Artist, Poet, and Essayist." Spring 1 (1992): 8-27.
  • ---. "Disparate Twins: Spontaneity in E. E. Cummings' Poetry and Painting," Spring: The Journal of the E. E. Cummings Society 4 (1995): 83-94.
  • ---. "'The Lily Maid of Astolat': Elaine Orr's Presence in E. E. Cummings' Poems and John Dos Passos' Prose." Spring: The Journal of the E. E. Cummings Society 12 (2003): 139-149.
  • ---. "From Bad Boy to Curmudgeon: Cummings' Political Evolution." Words into Pictures. Eds. Jiří Flajšar and Zénó Vernyik. 68-79.
  • ---. Beleaguered Poets and Leftist Critics: Stevens, Cummings, Frost, and Williams in the 1930s. U of Alabama P, 2010.
  • Collier, James Lincoln. "'B' [William Slater Brown]." Spring 6 (1997): 128-152.
  • Couteau, Rob. "On the Trail of the 'Elusive' Lillian and Marion Morehouse: Unraveling the Genealogical Mysteries of the World's First Supermodel." May 28, 2015. Web.
  • Cowen, John Edwin. "Doveglion—The E. E. Cummings and José Garcia Villa Connection." Spring 10 (2000): 102-109.
  • ---. "E. E. Cummings' 'Jottings' and José Garcia Villa's 'Xocerisms' — Invoking Lyricism in Creating the Poetic Aphorism." Spring: The Journal of the E. E. Cummings Society 17 (2010): 102-109.
  • ---. "E. E. Cummings' Lyricism Today." Spring: The Journal of the E. E. Cummings Society 5 (1996): 82-89.
  • Cowley, Malcolm. Exile's Return. 1934. 2nd ed. New York: Viking, 1951.
  • ---. "Cummings: One Man Alone." Yale Review 62 (1973): 332-354. Rpt. in Rotella, Critical Essays. 215-232.
  • Crowder, Richard. "Cummings' 48." ["floatfloafloflf"] The Explicator 16 (Jan. 1957), item 41.
  • Cummings de Fôret, Nancy [Nancy T. Andrews].Charon's Daughter: A Passion of Identity. New York: Liveright, 1977.
  • Cureton, Richard D. "E. E. Cummings: A Study of the Poetic Use of Deviant Morphology." Poetics Today 1.1-2 (1979): 213-244.
  • ---. " 'he danced his did': an analysis." Journal of Linguistics 16 (1980): 245-62.
  • ---. "Poetic Syntax and Aesthetic Form." Style 14 (1980): 381-40.
  • ---. "E. E. Cummings: A Case Study of Iconic Syntax." Language and Style 14 (1981): 185-215.
  • ---. "Poetry, Grammar, and Epistemology: The Order of Prenominal Modifiers in the Poetry of E. E. Cummings." Language and Style 18.1 (Winter 1985): 64-91.
  • ---. "Visual Form in E. E. Cummings' No Thanks." Word & Image 2 (1986): 245-77.
  • ---. "Cummings and Temporality." Spring: The Journal of the E. E. Cummings Society New Series 16 (Fall 2007): 20-39. [Temporal poetics analysis of "somewhere i have never travelled,gladly beyond" (CP 367).]
  • ---. "Teaching E. E. Cummings." Spring: The Journal of the E. E. Cummings Society New Series 17 (Fall 2010): 84-96.
  • Damon, S. Foster. "Cummings' Him." The Saturday Review of Literature 4 (1928): 522. Rpt. in Critical Essays on E. E. Cummings. Ed. Guy Rotella. Boston: G.K. Hall, 1984. 54-55.
  • Davis, William V. "Cummings' 'All in Green Went My Love Riding'." Concerning Poetry 2 (1970): 65-67.
  • Daniels, Jonathan. The Time Between the Wars: Armistice to Pearl Harbor. Garden City: Doubleday, 1966.
  • Dayton, Tim. American Poetry and the First World War. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2018.
  • ---. "'Wristers Etcetera': Cummings, the Great War, and Discursive Struggle." Spring: The Journal of the E. E. Cummings Society 17 (2010): 116-139.
  • Demarcq, Jacques. "Translated from the Cummings." Spring: The Journal of the E. E. Cummings Society 13 (2004): 104-110.
  • ---. "Un tournant." [Afterword] No Thanks. By E. E. Cummings. Trans. Jacques Demarcq. Caen, France: Nous, 2011. 97-137.
  • Dembo, L. S. "E. E. Cummings: The Now Man." Conceptions of Reality in Modern American Poetry. Berkeley, U of California P, 1966. 118-128. Rpt. in Critical Essays on E. E. Cummings. Ed. Guy Rotella. Boston: G. K. Hall, 1984. 175-183.
  • Dempsey, James. The Tortured Life of Scofield Thayer. Gainesville: UP of Florida, 2014.
  • ---. "A Lost E. E. Cummings Poem Discovered." The Awl May 25, 2011. Web.
  • Dendinger, Lloyd N., ed. E.E. Cummings: The Critical Reception. Burt Franklin: New York, 1981.
  • Desblaches, Claudia. Dire le réel en poésie: Edward Estlin Cummings, William Carlos Williams. Paris: Michel Houdiard, 2010.
  • ---. "Crossing Generic Boundaries: Sculpture, Painting and Engraving as Compensations for E. E. Cummings’ Hermeneutic Short-Cuts." Words into Pictures: E. E. Cummings' Art Across Borders. Ed. Jiří Flajšar and Zénó Vernyik. Newcastle, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2007. 156-169.
  • ---. "Memory and Innovation in the Poems of E. E. Cummings and W. C. Williams." Genres as Repositories of Cultural Memory. Eds. Hendrik van Gorp and Ulla Musarra-Schroeder. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2000. 231-45.
  • Dias, Earl. "E. E. Cummings and Buffalo Bill." CEA Critic: An Official Journal of the College English Association 29.3 (1966): 6-7.
  • Dilworth, Thomas. "Cummings's 'Buffalo Bill's'." Explicator 53.3 (Spring 1995): 174-175.
  • ---. "Cummings's '1(a'." Explicator 54.3 (1996): 171-73.
  • ---. "Cummings's 'Old Age Sticks'." Explicator 54.1 (1995): 32-3.
  • Docherty, Brian. "[E. E. C]ummings." American Poetry: the Modernist Ideal. Ed. Clive Bloom and Brian Docherty. London: Macmillan. 1995. 120-130.
  • Dos Passos, John. "Off the Shoals." Review of The Enormous Room. By E. E. Cummings. The Dial 73 (July 1922): 97-102. Rpt. in Baum, ΕΣΤΙ:eec: E. E. Cummings and the Critics. 4-9. Rpt. in Dendinger, E. E. Cummings: The Critical Reception. 10-12.
  • ---. "Letter to the drama editor." New York Times April 22, 1928, section ix, p. 2. Rpt in Dendinger 102-103. [Dos Passos defends Cummings' play Him.]
  • ---. "[E. E. Cummings.]" The Harvard Wake 5 (Spring 1946): 64.
  • ---. The Best Times: An Informal Memoir. New York: New American Library, 1966.
  • Dougherty, James P. "Language as a Reality in E. E. Cummings." Bucknell Review 16 (1968): 112-122. Rpt. in Rotella, Critical Essays. 183-192.
  • Dumas, Bethany K. E. E. Cummings: A Remembrance of Miracles. New York: Barnes and Noble, 1974.
  • ---. "Dialect in E. E. Cummings." Language of Poems 2.2 (1973): 49-51.
  • ---. "E. E. Cummings in the Twenties." The Twenties: Fiction, Poetry, Drama. Ed. Warren French. DeLand, Florida: Everett/Edwards, 1975. 365-376.
  • Eddy, Arthur Jerome. Cubists and Post-Impressionism. 1914. Rev. ed. Chicago: A. C. McClurg, 1919.
  • Everson, Edith. "E. E. Cummings' Concept of Death." Journal of Modern Literature 7.2 (1979): 243-254.
  • ---. "Cummings' 'that which we who're alive in spite of mirrors'." The Explicator 32.7 (March 1974), item 55.
  • Fahy, Thomas. Staging Modern American Life: Popular Culture in the Experimental Theatre of Millay, Cummings, and Dos Passos. London / New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2011.
  • ---. " 'Damn everything but the circus!': The Ambiguous Place of Popular Culture in E. E. Cummings’ >Him." Spring: The Journal of the E. E.Cummings Society 18 (October 2011): 66-93.
  • Fairley, Irene. E. E. Cummings and Ungrammar, a Study of Syntactic Deviance in His Poems. Stamford, CT: Windmill P, 1975.
  • ---. "Cummings' Love Lyrics: Some Notes by a Female Linguist." Journal of Modern Literature 7.2 (1979): 205-218.
  • Farley, David. "E. E. Cummings: Intourist in the Unworld." Spring: The Journal of the E. E. Cummings Society 12 (2003): 86-106.
  • Faville, Curtis. "Believe You Me Crocodile—Eigner Cummings The Typewriter & A Poem." The Compass Rose. Compass Rose Books. 19 April 2010. Web. 11 December 2010.
  • Feshchenko, Vladimir and Wright, Emily, ed. and trans. The Adventures of Untovarich Kem-min-kz in the Land of the Soviets: E. E. Cummings and Russia. St. Petersburg: European University in St. Petersburg, 2013. [In Russian. For a description of this book, see pages 186-188 of the "News, Notes, & Correspondence" section of Spring 20 (2013): 172-192.]
  • Finn, H. Seth. “Cummings’ Memorabilia.” Explicator 29.5 (Jan. 1971): item 42.
  • Firmage, George J. E. E. Cummings: A Bibliography. Middletown, Con.: Wesleyan UP, 1960. Descriptive list of publications by Cummings.]
  • Firmage, George James and Richard S. Kennedy, eds. Etcetera: The Unpublished Poems of E. E. Cummings. New York: Liveright, 1983.
  • ---. Afterword. is 5. The Cummings Typescript Editions. By E. E. Cummings. Ed. George James Firmage. New York: Liveright, 1985. no pagination.
  • Flajšar, Jiří and Zénó Vernyik, eds. Words into Pictures: E. E. Cummings' Art Across Borders. Newcastle, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2007.
  • Foerster, Margaret. "A Note on Cummings and My Family at Silver Lake." Spring 6 (1997): 22-24.
  • Forrest, David V. "E. E. Cummings and the Thoughts That Lie Too Deep for Tears: Of Defenses in Poetry." Psychiatry: Journal for the Study of Interpersonal Processes. 43:1 (February 1980): 13-42.
  • ---. "Forrest Reviews 'Viva Cummings'." Spring: The Journal of the E. E. Cummings Society Old Series 10.2 (October 1990): 10-11.
  • ---. "Review of E.E.! (Viva Cummings): A Musical Review Conceived and Composed by Steve Scotti." (Blue Heron Arts Center, New York City, April 16, 1999) Spring: The Journal of the E. E. Cummings Society 8 (1999): 179-180.
  • Frankenberg, Lloyd. "Cummings Times One." Pleasure Dome: on reading moderen poetry. New York: Houghton Mifflin, 1949. 157-194. Rpt. in Baum, ed. Cummings and the Critics. 144-69.
  • ---. "nothing as something as one" Harvard Wake 5 (Spring, 1946): 46-54.
  • Freeman, Donald C. "The Grammar of Ungrammar." Semiotica 22 (1978): 369-85.
  • Friedman, Norman. E. E. Cummings: The Art of His Poetry. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 1960.
  • ---. "E. E. Cummings and the Modernist Movement." Forum 3.10 (1962): 39-46. Rpt. in Rotella, ed. Critical Essays on E.E. Cummings. 160-174.
  • ---. E. E. Cummings: The Growth of a Writer. Carbondale: Southern Illinois UP, 1964.
  • ---, ed. E. E. Cummings: A Collection of Critical Essays. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, 1972.
  • ---. "NOT 'e. e. cummings'." Spring: The Journal of the E. E. Cummings Society 1 (1992): 114-121.
  • ---. "Not e. e. cummings Revisited." Spring: The Journal of the E. E. Cummings Society 5 (1996): 41-43.
  • ---. "For the Record." Spring: The Journal of the E. E. Cummings Society 3 (1994): 124-128.
  • ---. (Re) Valuing Cummings: further essays on the poet, 1962-1993. Gainesville: University P of Florida, 1996.
  • ---. "The Other Cummings: The Private Side." Spring: The Journal of the E. E. Cummings Society 14-15 (October 2006): 31-45.
  • ---. "Cummings, Oedipus, and Childhood: Problems of Anxiety and Intimacy." Spring: The Journal of the E. E. Cummings Society 14-15 (2006): 46-68.
  • ---. "Poem vs. Slogan: In Defense of E. E. Cummings." The Reconstructionist 22 Feb. 1952: 18-23.
  • Friedman, Norman and David V. Forrest. "William Slater Brown and The Enormous Room." Spring 1 (1992): 87-91.
  • Frosch, Thomas R. "Eros and Ambiguity in "All in green went my love riding'." Spring: The Journal of the E. E. Cummings Society 11 (2002): 66-70.
  • Funkhouser, Linda Bradley. "Acoustical Rhythms in 'Buffalo Bill's'." Journal of Modern Literature 7.2 (1979): 219-242. Print.
  • Gargano, James W. "Cummings' Pity This Busy Monster, Manunkind." Explicator 20.3 (Nov. 1961), item 21.
  • Gerber, Phillip L. "E. E. Cummings's Season of the Censor." Contemporary Literature 19 (1988): 177-200.
  • ---. "Boswell in America: The Case of Charles Norman." Spring: The Journal of the E. E. Cummings Society New Series 2 (1993): 57-69.
  • ---. "missing mr u (not)." Spring The Journal of the E. E. Cummings Society 10 (October 2001): 70-101.
  • Gill, John M. "The Enormous Room and 'The Windows of Nowhere': Reflections on Visiting La Ferté Macé." Spring: The Journal of the E. E. Cummings Society 7 (1998): 94-123.
  • ---. "The Enormous Room Remembered." Spring: The Journal of the E. E. Cummings Society 11 (2002): 159-182.
  • ---. " 'All These Fine People Were Arrested as Espions': Detainees in The Enormous Room." Spring: The Journal of the E. E. Cummings Society 14-15 (2005-2006): 81-93.
  • ---. "A Forgotten La Ferté-Macé Letter: E. E. Cummings to Scofield Thayer." Spring: The Journal of the E. E. Cummings Society 16 (2007): 105-120.
  • ---. "(Re)Valuing 'anyone'." Spring: The Journal of the E. E. Cummings Society 8 (1999): 78-86.
  • Gillyboeuf, Thierry. "About Two French Verses in The Enormous Room." Spring: The Journal of the E. E. Cummings Society 8 (1999): 67-69.
  • ---. "The Famous Doctor Who Inserts Monkeyglands in Millionaires." Spring The Journal of the E. E. Cummings Society 9 (2000): 44-45.
  • ---. "The Symbol of Rain in Cummings' Poetry." Spring: The Journal of the E. E. Cummings Society 8 (1999): 87-94.
  • Goodwin, Rufus. "E. E. Poetry in Performance: Scotti and Cummings." Spring: The Journal of the E. E. Cummings Society 5 (1996): 161-168.
  • Gómez-Jiménez, Eva María. "An Introduction to Graphology: Definition, Theoretical Background and Levels of Analysis." Miscelánea: A Journal of English and American Studies 51 (2015): 71-85.
  • ---. " 'oride lesgo eckshun': Spelling foregrounding in the experimental poetry of E. E. Cummings." Language and Literature 24.4 (Nov. 2015): 307-321.
  • ---. "The Meaning of Punctuation: Two Examples by E. E. Cummings." Proceedings of the Stylistics Across Disciplines Conference 2011. Leiden: Leiden University, 2011. 1-10. CD-ROM.
  • ---. " 'Paris;this April sunset completely utters': The Landscape of Paris through Cummings' Eyes." The Language of Landscapes PALA [Poetics and Linguistics Association] Conference Proceedings, Genoa, Italy, 2010. 1-20.
  • ---. "Translation problems in E. E. Cummings' experimental poetry: visual appearance, plays on words and punctuation marks." ES. Revista de Filología Inglesa Valladolid: Universidad de Valladolid, 2010. 139-159.
  • ---. "Unconventional patterns in the experimental poetry of E. E. Cummings: A stylistic approach to punctuation marks." Language and Literature 26.3 (Aug. 2017): 191–212.
  • Goodwin, Rufus. "E. E. Poetry in Performance: Scotti and Cummings." Spring: The Journal of the E. E. Cummings Society 5 (1996): 161-168.
  • Gould, Joseph. "Excerpts from Joe Gould's Oral History of the Contemporary World." Ed. O. Nenslo. Kooks Museum (n.d., before 2005). Rpt. Internet Archive. Web. [Reprints "Social Position," "Insanity," "Freedom," "Marriage," and "Civilization."]
  • Grabher, Gudrun M. "In Search of Words for ‘Moon-Viewing’: The Japanese Haiku and the Skepticism towards Language in Modernist American Poetry." Modernism Revisited: Transgressing Boundaries and Strategies of Renewal in American Poetry. Ed. Viorica Patea and Paul Scott Derrick. Amsterdam / New York: Rodopi, 2007. 133-159.
  • ---. "I paint (my poems), therefore i am: The Visibility of Language and Its Epistemological Implications for the ‘i’ in E. E. Cummings' Poetry." Spring: The Journal of the E. E. Cummings Society 10 (2001): 48-57.
  • Griffith, Ben W. "Cummings’ Memorabilia." Explicator 12 (Jan. 1953): item 47.
  • Grumman, Bob. "The Importance of Technical Innovation in the Poetic Maturation of Cummings." Spring: The Journal of the E. E. Cummings Society 13 (2004): 74-89.
  • ---. "Visiomathematical poetry, the triply-expressive poetry." Journal of Mathematics and the Arts. Taylor and Francis, 14 July 2014. Web.
  • Haines, George. ": : 2 : 1 The World and E. E. Cummings." Sewanee Review 59.2 (Spring 1951): 206-227. Rpt. in E. E. Cummings: A Collection of Critical Essays. Ed. Norman Friedman. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, 1972. 15-30.
  • Harmon, William. "Cummings' Caprice in 'F'." Spring: The Journal of the E. E. Cummings Society 7 (1998): 68-72.
  • Hayakawa, S. I. "Is Indeed 5." Rev. of Collected Poems by E. E. Cummings. Poetry 52.5 (Aug. 1938): 284-292.
  • Headrick, Paul."'Brilliant Obscurity': The Reception of The Enormous Room." Spring: The Journal of the E. E. Cummings Society 1 (1992): 46-76.
  • ---. "The Pragmatism of 'Anyone'." Spring: The Journal of the E. E. Cummings Society 13 (Oct. 2004): 49-57.
  • Henry, Nat. "Cummings' 275." ["go(perpe)go"] The Explicator 20.8 (April 1962), item 63.
  • ---. "Cummings' 262." ["sh estiffl"] The Explicator 21.9 (May 1963), item 72.
  • ---. "Cummings' 303 (nor woman)." The Explicator 22.1 (Sept. 1963), item #2.
  • ---. "Cummings' 305.["The Mind's("] Explicator 20:6 (Feb. 1962), item 49.
  • ---. "Cummings' Pity This Busy Monster, Manunkind." Explicator 27:9 (May 1969), item 68.
  • Heusser, Martin. "The Poempicture: Some Thoughts on Space and Time in the Poetry of E. E. Cummings." Meaning and Beyond. Ernst Leisi zum 70. Geburtstag. Ed. Udo Fries and Martin Heusser. Tübingen: Gunter Narr, 1988. 43-68.
  • ---. "The Visual Rhetoric of E. E. Cummings' 'poempictures'." Word & Image 11 (1995): 16-30.
  • ---. "Transcendental Modernism: E. E. Cummings' Moon Poems." Aspects of Modernism: Studies in Honour of Max Nänny. Ed. Andreas Fischer, Martin Heusser, and Thomas Hermann. Tübingen: Gunter Narr, 1997. 55-74.
  • ---. I Am My Writing: The Poetry of E. E. Cummings. Tübingen: Stauffenburg Verlag, 1997.
  • ---. "Against the American Grain: Myth and Ideology in the Poetry of E. E. Cummings." Culture Agonistes: Debating Culture, Rereading Texts. Ed. Theodora Tsimpouki and Angeliki Spiropoulou. Bern: Peter Lang, 2002. 155-68.
  • ---. “The Semantics of Structure: Iconicity in the Poetry of William Carlos Williams and E. E. Cummings.” Iconic Investigations. Eds. Lars Elleström, Olga Fischer, and Christina Ljungberg. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 2013. 159-172.
  • ---. "Unity Through Duality: Paradox in the Relation between Self and Other in the Poetry of E. E. Cummings." Das Paradox: Eine Herausforderung des abendländischen Denkens. Eds. Roland Hagenbüchle and Paul Geyer. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2002. 575-95.
  • Hopkinson, Sarah. "The Early Advocate: e. e. cummings." Notes from 21 South Street. The Harvard Advocate [Blog]. 17 Oct. 2012. Web.
  • Horton, Philip and Sherry Mangan. "Two Views of Cummings." Partisan Review 4 (May 1938): 58-63. Rpt. in Baum, ed. ΕΣΤΙ:eec: E. E. Cummings and the Critics. 87-92.
  • Huang-Tiller, Gillian. "Reflecting EIMI: The Iconic Meta-Sonnet, Manhood, and Cultural Crisis in E. E. Cummings' No Thanks." Words into Pictures. Eds. Jiří Flajšar and Zénó Vernyik. 27-57.
  • ---. "Modernism, Cummings' Meta-Sonnets, and Chimneys." Spring: The Journal of the E. E. Cummings Society 10 (2001): 155–72.
  • ---. "The Modernist Sonnet and the Pre-Postmodern Consciousness: The Question of Meta-Genre in E. E. Cummings' W [ViVa] (1931)." Spring: The Journal of the E. E. Cummings Society 14-15 (2006): 156-177.
  • ---. "The Enormous Room Seven Years after John M. Gill's Final Visit at La Ferté Macé." Spring: The Journal of the E. E. Cummings Society 16 (2007): 95-98.
  • ---. "Review of E. E. Cummings Erotic Poems (Norton, 2010)." Spring: The Journal of the E. E. Cummings Society 18 (2011): 167-71.
  • ---. "A(r)mor amoris: Modernist Blason, History, and the Body Politic of E. E. Cummings' Erotic Sonnetry in & [AND].” Spring: The Journal of the E. E. Cummings Society 19 (2012): 110-129.
  • ---. "One Art: Intuition and Typography in E. E. Cummings' Original Analysis of 'r-p-o-p-h-e-s-s-e-g-r' (1935)." Spring: The Journal of the E. E. Cummings Society 20 (2013): 110-115.
  • Hubbard, Karen H. "Lincoln Kirstein, E. E. Cummings, George Balanchine and Uncle Tom: On the Page but Never Staged." Dancing in the Millennium: An International Conference: Proceedings. Washington DC, 2000. Item 52.
  • Hunt, B. J. "Cummings's 'anyone lived in a pretty how town'." Explicator 64.4 (2006): 226-8.
  • Hutchinson, Charles and Peter Miller. "Joe Gould's Secret History: The Diary of a Legendary Village Bohemian Surfaces at NYU." Village Voice (4 April 2000). Print and Web.
  • Jakobson, Roman, & Linda R. Waugh. "Inferences from a Cummings Poem." The Sound Shape of Language. Bloomington, IN: Indiana UP, 1979. 222-231. [Linguistic analysis of "love is more thicker than forget" (CP 530)]
  • Jarrell, Randall. Rev. of Xaipe, by E. E. Cummings. Partisan Review 17 (1950): 728-30. Rpt. in Rotella, Critical Essays on E. E. Cummings. 79-81.
  • Joost, Nicholas. Scofield Thayer and The Dial: An Illustrated History. Carbondale: Southern Illinois UP, 1964.
  • Jumper, Will C. "Cummings' All in Green Went My Love Riding. Explicator 26.1 (Sept. 1967): item 6.
  • Kammen, Michael. The Lively Arts: Gilbert Seldes and the Transformation of Cultural Criticism in the United States. New York: Oxford UP, 1996.
  • Kennedy, Richard S. Dreams in the Mirror: A Biography of E. E. Cummings. New York: Liveright, 1980.
  • ---. "Cummings' Cradle Song for Ernest Hemingway." Spring Old Series 2.4 (Oct. 1982): 5-7.
  • ---. "Edward Cummings, the Father of the Poet." Bulletin of the New York Public Library 70 (1966): 437-449.
  • ---. "E. E. Cummings at Harvard: Studies." Harvard Library Bulletin 24.3 (July 1976): 267-297.
  • ---. "E. E. Cummings at Harvard: Verse, Friends, Rebellion." Harvard Library Bulletin 25.3 (July 1977): 253-291. Liveright, 1980.
  • ---. "E. E. Cummings: The Emergent Styles, 1916." Journal of Modern Literature 7.2 (1979): 175-204.
  • ---. "E. E. Cummings, a Major Minor Poet." Spring: The Journal of the E. E. Cummings Society NS 1 (1992): 37-45.
  • ---. E. E. Cummings Revisited. New York: Twayne, 1994. [Twayne's United States Authors Series No. 637.]
  • Kidder, Rushworth M. E. E. Cummings: An Introduction to the Poetry. New York: Columbia UP, 1979.
  • ---. "E. E. Cummings, Painter." Harvard Library Bulletin 23 (April, 1975): 117-138.
  • ---. " 'Author of Pictures': A Study of Cummings' Line Drawings in The Dial." Contemporary Literature 17.4 (1976): 470-505.
  • ---. " 'Buffalo Bill 's'—an Early Cummings Manuscript." Harvard Library Bulletin 14 (October 1976): 373-380.
  • ---. " 'Twin Obsessions': The Poetry and Painting of E. E. Cummings." Georgia Review 32 (1978): 342-68. Rpt. in Rotella, ed. Critical Essays. 242-58.
  • ---. "Cummings and Cubism: The Influence of the Visual Arts on Cummings' Poetry." Journal of Modern Literature 7.2 (1979): 255-291.
  • Kilby, Clyde S. "Cummings' MEMORABILIA." The Explicator 12 (1953), item #15.
  • Kilyovski, Vakrilen. "The Nude, the Grasshopper, and the Poet-Painter: A Reading of E. E. Cummings' 'r-p-o-p-h-e-s-s-a-g-r'." Spring: The Journal of the E. E. Cummings Society 20 (2013): 99-109.
  • Kirsch, Adam. “the rebellion of e. e. cummings: the poet's artful reaction against his father—and his alma mater.” Harvard Magazine March-April 2005: 48-53, 98-99.
  • Landles, Iain. "Post-Structuralist Cummings." Spring: The Journal of the E. E. Cummings Society 8 (1999): 161-170.
  • ---. "An Analysis of Two Poems by E. E. Cummings." Spring: The Journal of the E. E. Cummings Society 10 (2001): 31-43. [Analyzes “in Just-” (31-37) and “l(a” (37-43).]
  • ---. The Case for Cummings: A Reaction to the Critical Misreading of E.E. Cummings. Cologne: VDM Verlag, 2008.
  • Lane, Gary. I Am: A Study of E. E. Cummings' Poems. Lawrence: UP of Kansas, 1976.
  • Lepore, Jill. "Joe Gould's Teeth: The Long-lost Story of the Longest Book Ever Written." The New Yorker (27 July 2015): 48-59. Print and Web. [Article re-examining Joe Gould’s life and Oral History in the light of letters and other archival documents.]
  • ---. Joe Gould's Teeth. New York: Knopf, May 17, 2016. [Book based on her New Yorker article.]
  • Levin, Gerald. "Cummings' Poem (Love's function. . . )." Explicator 17 (1958/1959), item 18.
  • Lind, L. R. "The Hellenism of E. E. Cummings." Classical and ModernLiterature 2.3 (Spring 1982): 139-146.
  • ---. "The Aphorism: Wisdom in a Nutshell." Classical and Modern Literature: A Quarterly 14.4 (Summer 1994): 311-322.
  • Logan, John. "The Organ Grinder and the Cockatoo: An Introduction to E. E. Cummings." Modern American Poetry: Essays in Criticism. Ed. Jerome Mazzaro. New York: David McKay, 1970. 249-271.
  • Luedtke, Luther S. "Cummings' ‘the Noster was a ship of swank’." The Explicator 26.7 (March 1968), item #59.
  • Macksoud, S. John. "Anyone’s How Town: Interpretation as Rhetorical Discipline." Speech Monographs 35 (1968): 70-76.
  • Mason, Wyatt. "Make It Newish: E. E. Cummings, Plagiarism, and the Perils of Originality." Rev. of E. E. Cummings: A Biography, by Christopher Sawyer-Lauçanno. Harper's Magazine May 2005: 92-100, 102.
  • Marano, Salvatore. "Still Life with a Machine: E. E. Cummings's Typewriter Poems." RSA Journal [Rivista di Studi Americani] 14 (2003): 120-138. Web.
  • Marks, Barry A. E. E. Cummings. New York: Twayne, 1964. [Twayne's United States Authors Series.]
  • Martin, W. Todd. "'Is' as an Action Verb: Cummings and the Act of Being." Spring: The Journal of the E. E. Cummings Society 17 (2010): 80-83.
  • ---. "Cummings's The Enormous Room." Explicator 58.1 (Fall 1999): 33-6.
  • ---. “Cummings's The Enormous Room." The Explicator 59.1 (Fall 2000): 34-37.
  • ---. "The Enormous Room as Spiritual Autobiography: A Puritan Context for the Text." Spring: The Journal of the E. E. Cummings Society 13 (2004): 27-35.
  • ---. "The Enormous Room: Cummings’ Reinterpretation of John Bunyan’s Doubting Castle." Spring: The Journal of the E. E. Cummings Society 5 (1996): 112-119.
  • ---. "'The Mysteries of Noyon': Emblem and Meaning in The Enormous Room." Spring: The Journal of the E. E. Cummings Society 9 (2000): 125-131.
  • Maurer, Robert E. "E. E. Cummings' Him." The Bucknell Review 6 (May 1956): 1-27. Rpt. in Norman Friedman, ed. E. E. Cummings: A Collection of Critical Essays. 133-155.
  • ---. "Latter-Day Notes on E. E. Cummings' Language." The Bucknell Review 5 (May 1955): 1-23. Rpt. in Norman Friedman, ed. E. E. Cummings: A Collection of Critical Essays. 79-99. Rpt. in Critical Essays on E. E. Cummings. Ed. Guy Rotella. Boston: G. K. Hall, 1984. 136-154.
  • McGuigan, John. "Radically Avant-Garde? The Strange History of E. E. Cummings' The Enormous Room, Reconsidered." Spring: The Journal of the E. E. Cummings Society 14-15 (2005-2006): 94-126.
  • McIlvaine, Robert M. "Cummings' 'brIght.'" The Explicator 30.1 (Sept. 1971), item 6.
  • Metcalf, Allan A. "Dante and E. E. Cummings." Comparative Literature Studies 7 (1970): 374-386.
  • Miller, Lewis H. "Advertising in Poetry: A Reading of E. E. Cummings' 'Poem, or Beauty Hurts Mr. Vinal'," Word & Image 2 1986): 349-362.
  • ---. "Sex on Wheels: A Reading of 'she bein Brand / -new'," Spring 6 (1997): 55-69.
  • Miller, Tyrus. "Comrade Kemminkz in Hell: E. E. Cummings's Eimi and Anti-Communism." Literature and History third series 24.1 (Spring 2015): 11-26.
  • Milota, Megan. " 'these immeasurable mysteries': Cummings' and Stevens' Rites of Passage." Wallace Stevens Journal 39:1 (Spring 2015): 40-55.
  • Mitchell, Joseph. Joe Gould's Secret. 1965. New York: Random / Vintage, 1999.
  • ---. "Joe Gould's Secret--I." The New Yorker (19 Sept. 1964): Web.
  • ---. "Joe Gould's Secret--II." The New Yorker (26 Sept. 1964): Web.
  • Moe, Aaron. "Chaos & the 'New' Nature Poem: A Look at E. E. Cummings' Poetry." CT Review 32.1 (2010): 11-24.
  • ---. "A Review of Iain Landles' The Case for Cummings: A Reaction to the Critical Misreading of E. E. Cummings (Cologne: VDM Verlag, 2008)." Spring: The Journal of the E. E. Cummings Society 17 (2010): 149-151.
  • ---. "Autopoiesis and Cummings' Cat." Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities 3.1 (2011): 110-120. Web.
  • ---. "Cummings' Urban Ecology: An Exploration of EIMI, No Thanks, & the Cultivation of the Ecological Self." ISLE: Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment 18.4 (2011): 737-762. Print and Web.
  • ---. "Two Converging Motifs: E. E. Cummings’ l!ook." Spring: The Journal of the E. E. Cummings Society 18 (2011): 118-133.
  • ---. "Zoopoetics: A Look at Cummings, Merwin, & the Expanding Field of Ecocriticism." Humanimalia: A Journal of Human/Animal Interface Studies 3.2 (2012). Web.
  • ---. "An Ontological Crisis: Rethinking E. E. Cummings' Fairy Tales." Spring: The Journal of the E. E. Cummings Society 19 (2012): 50-65.
  • ---. "'onetwothreefourfive'. . . 'justlikethat'?; or, The Tension between the Performances of the Page and Body." EEC Society Blog (18 Dec. 2015). Web.
  • ---. "Cummings' *WARNING* from the Program of his Play." EEC Society Blog (1 Feb. 2016). Web.
  • ---. "Thirteen Ways of Reading EEC's R-O-U-N-D MoOn: And the Making of a Poem." Spring: The Journal of the E. E. Cummings Society 21-22 (2014-2015): 199-211. Print and Web.
  • ---. Protean Poetics. Ed. Ida Benke. Parapoetics Series. Berlin: Broken Dimanche Press, 2015. Print. [Chapbook of aphorisms.]
  • Monroe, Harriet. "Flare and Blare." Rev. of Tulips and Chimneys, by E. E. Cummings. Poetry 22 (January, 1924): 211-215. Rpt. in Baum, ed. ΕΣΤΙ:eec: E. E. Cummings and the Critics. 21-24. Rpt. in Critical Essays on E. E. Cummings. Ed. Guy Rotella. Boston: G.K. Hall, 1984. 40-43.
  • Moore, Marianne. "People Stare Carefully." Rev. of XLI Poems and & [And] by E. E. Cummings. The Dial 80 (January 1926): 49-52. Rpt. in The Complete Prose of Marianne Moore. Ed. Patricia C. Willis. New York: Penguin, 1987. 301-303.
  • ---. "A Penguin in Moscow." Rev. of EIMI by E. E. Cummings. Poetry 42 (August 1933): 277-281. Rpt. in The Complete Prose of Marianne Moore. Ed. Patricia C. Willis. New York: Penguin, 1987. 301-303.
  • ---. "One Times One." Rev. of 1 x 1 by E. E. Cummings. The Nation 158 (1 April 1944): 394. Rpt. in The Complete Prose of Marianne Moore. Ed. Patricia C. Willis. New York: Penguin, 1987. 393-396.
  • ---. [untitled statement] The Harvard Wake 5 (Spring 1946): 24. Rpt. in The Complete Prose of Marianne Moore. Ed. Patricia C. Willis. New York: Penguin, 1987. 645-646.
  • Morris, Ann R. "Cummings' 'a man who had fallen among thieves'." Explicator 43.3 (1985): 37-39.
  • Mott, Christopher M. "The Cummings Line on Race." Spring 4 (1995): 71-75.
  • Mullen, Patrick B. "E. E. Cummings and Popular Culture" Journal of Popular Culture 5 (1971-72): 502-520. Rpt. in Rotella, Critical Essays on E. E. Cummings. 202-214.
  • Muñoz, María Victoria. Elefantes & rascacielos. Tradición e innovación en la poesía de E. E. Cummings. Mendoza, Argentina: EDIFYL [Editorial de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la Universidad Nacional de Cuyo], 2019.
  • Munson. Gorham B. "Syrinx." Secession 5 (July 1923): 2-11. Rpt. in Baum, S. V. ΕΣΤΙ:eec: E. E. Cummings and the Critics. East Lansing: Michigan State UP, 1962. 9-18.
  • Nänny, Max. "Iconic Dimensions in Poetry." On Poetry and Poetics. Ed. Richard Waswo. Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag, 1985. [Swiss Papers in English Language and Literature 2 (1985): 111-35.] [See "On 'r-p-o-p-h-e-s-s-a-g-r'" at the MAPS legacy site.]
  • ---. "Iconic Features in E. E. Cummings' Poetry." The Idea and the Thing in Modernist American Poetry. Ed. Cristina Giorcelli. Palermo: Ila Palma, 2001. 209-234.
  • ---. "Iconic Functions of Long and Short Lines." The Motivated Sign. Eds. Olga Fischer and Max Nänny, Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2001. 157-188.
  • ---. "Imitative Form: The Modernist Poem on the Page." Poetry and Epistemology: Turning Points in the History of Poetic Knowledge. Eds. Roland Hagenbüchle and Laura Skandera. Regensburg: Friedrich Pustet, 1986. 213-231.
  • Newcomb, John Timberman. "The Emergence of 'The New Poetry'." Cambridge Companion to Modern American Poetry. Ed Walter Kalaidjian. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge UP, 2015. 11-22.
  • ---. How Did Poetry Survive? The Making of Modern American Verse. Urbana: U of Illinois P, 2012.
  • ---. "The New Poetry." A Companion to Modernist Poetry. Ed. David Chinitz and Gail McDonald. Chichester, U.K. / Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell, 2014. 209-221.
  • Nicholls, Peter. "Life Among the Surrealists: Broom and Secession Revisited." Revues modernistes, revues engagées. Ed. Benoït Tadié, Céline Mansanti, and Hélène Aji. Rennes: Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2011. 247-267. Rpt. Open Edition Books. Web.
  • Noguchi, Yone. The Spirit of Japanese Poetry. New York: E. P. Dutton, 1914.
  • Norman, Charles. The Magic-Maker: E. E. Cummings. 1st ed. New York: Macmillan, 1958.
  • ---. E. E. Cummings: The Magic-Maker. Rev. ed. New York: Duell, Sloan and Pearce, 1964.
  • ---. E. E. Cummings, The Magic-Maker. 3rd ed. Boston: Little, Brown, 1972.
  • ---. Poets & People. Indianapolis & New York: Bobbs-Merrill, 1972.
  • Olsen, Taimi. "E. E. Cummings and the Futurist Art Movement." Spring 5 (1996): 155-160.
  • ---. " 'As usual I did not find him in cafes': I-space, 'i' space, and Spatial Cognition in E. E. Cummings' Poetry." Words into Pictures. Eds. Jiří Flajšar and Zénó Vernyik. 108-125.
  • ---. "'Krazies…of indescribable beauty': George Herriman's 'Krazy Kat' and E. E. Cummings." Spring: The Journal of the E. E. Cummings Society 14-15 (2006): 220-232.
  • Ordeman, John T. "Two Portraits by E. E. Cummings: Jimmy Savo in Poem and Painting." Spring: The Journal of the E. E. Cummings Society 6 (1997): 49-54.
  • ---. "Cummings' Titles." Spring: The Journal of the E. E. Cummings Society 9 (2000): 160-170.
  • Parekh, Pushpa N. "Nature in the Poetry of E. E. Cummings." Spring 3 (1994): 63-71.
  • Parrish, Michael E. Anxious Decades: America in Prosperity and Depression, 1920- 1940. New York: Norton, 1992.
  • Paz, Octavio. "E. E. Cummings." The Siren and the Seashell. Trans. Lysander Kemp and Margaret Sayers Peden. Austin: U of Texas P, 1976. 131-136.
  • Peterson, Rai. "Learning to Live in 'a pretty how town'." Spring: The Journal of the E. E. Cummings Society 17 (2010): 74-79.
  • Pollock, John. "Appreciating Cummings' '(im)c-a-t(mo)'." Spring: The Journal of the E. E. Cummings Society 10 (October 2001): 44-47.
  • Popova, Maria. "The Agony of the Artist (with a capital A): E. E. Cummings on What It Really Means to Be an Artist and His Little-Known Line Drawings." Brain Pickings 9 Feb. 2015. Web.
  • ---. "Vintage Illustrations for the Fairy Tales E. E. Cummings Wrote for His Only Daughter, Whom He Almost Abandoned. What elephants and butterflies have to do with the failures and redemptions of fatherhood." Brain Pickings 23 Oct. 2013. Web.
  • Powers-Schaub, Simon. "His Dream, Her Reality: Two Principles of Mental Functioning in E. E. Cummings' Him." Spring: The Journal of the E. E. Cummings Society 19 (October 2012): 17-26. Print and Web.
  • Prager, Joshua. "The Patron and the Panhandler." Vanity Fair (11 Feb. 2014): Print and Web. [Article on Joe Gould and the identity of his mysterious patron.]
  • Pritchard, Stanford. "My Friend B." Kenyon Review 12.1 (Winter 1990): 128-149. Print and Web. [Article on William Slater Brown containing information about his friendship with Cummings and his views on the reasons for their arrest and detention at La Ferté, as well as accounts of his incarceration at Précigné and his help with the writing of The Enormous Room. Web version has some html conversion glitches.]
  • Qualey, Elizabeth Cummings. When I Was a Little Girl. Ed. Carlton C. Qualey. Center Ossipee, NH: Carroll County Independent, 1981.
  • Raker, Gavin. "Choreographing History: Uncle Tom as Modernist Ballet." Spring 12 (2003): 107-116.
  • Read, Donald R. "E. E. Cummings: The Lay of the Duckbilled Platitude." Satire Newsletter 3 (1965): 30-33.
  • Reef, Catherine. E. E. Cummings: A Poet's Life. New York: Clarion Books, 2006. [Biography for young adult readers]
  • Reinhart, Tanya. "Patterns, Intuitions, and the Sense of Nonsense: An Analysis of Cummings' 'anyone lived in a pretty how town'." PTL: A Journal for Descriptive Poetics and Theory 1 (1976): 85-103.
  • Riding, Laura and Robert Graves. "William Shakespeare and E. E. Cummings: A Study in Original Punctuation and Spelling." A Survey of Modernist Poetry. 1927. Rpt. New York: Folcroft Library Editions, 1971. 59-82.
  • ---. "Modernist Poetry and the Plain Reader's Rights." A Survey of Modernist Poetry. 1927. Rpt. in S. V. Baum, ed. ΕΣΤΙ :eec: E. E. Cummings and the Critics. East Lansing: Michigan State UP, 1962. 34-43.
  • Robey, Cora. "Cummings' All in Green Went My Love Riding." Explicator 27.1 (Sept. 1968): item 2.
  • Rosenblitt, Alison. The Beauty of Living: E. E. Cummings in the Great War. New York: W. W. Norton, 2020.
  • ---. E. E. Cummings' Modernism and the Classics: Each Imperishable Stanza. Oxford / New York: Oxford UP, 2016.
  • ---. "E. E. Cummings' 'All in green went my love riding'." EEC Society Blog (16 October 2017), n.p. Web.
  • ---. "Pretentious Scansion, Fascist Aesthetics, and a Father-complex for Joyce: E. E. Cummings on Sapphics and Ezra Pound." Cambridge Classical Journal (December 2013): 178-198.
  • ---. " 'a twilight smelling of Vergil': E.E. Cummings, Classics, and the Great War. Greece & Rome 61.2 (October 2014): 242-260.
  • Rosenblitt, J. Alison and Linda S. Siegel. "E. E. Cummings and Dyslexia." Annals of Dyslexia 70 (August 2020): 369–378.
  • Rosenblitt, Jennifer [Alison]. "Fellows Find: The goat-footed paganism of E. E. Cummings." Ransom Center Magazine (8 June 2016): n.p. Web.
  • Rosenfeld, Paul. "E. E. Cummings." Men Seen: Twenty-four Modern Authors. New York: The Dial Press, 1925. Rpt. Freeport, NY: Books for Libraries, 1967. 191-200. Rpt. in Dendinger, ed. E.E. Cummings: The Critical Reception. 18-20 and 37-38. [On The Enormous Room and Tulips and Chimneys]
  • ---. "The Enormous Cummings." Twice A Year 3-4 (Fall / Winter, 1939-Spring / Summer 1940): 271-280. Rpt. in Baum, ed. ΕΣΤΙ:eec: E. E. Cummings and the Critics. 72-80. [On The Enormous Room and EIMI]
  • ---. "The Voyages." Harvard Wake 5 (Spring 1946): 31-46. Rpt. as "The Voyages [EIMI]." E. E. Cummings: A Collection of Critical Essays. Ed. Norman Friedman. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1972. 156-167.
  • Rotella, Guy, ed. Critical Essays on E. E. Cummings. Boston: G.K. Hall, 1984.
  • ---. "Cummings' 'kind)' and Whitman's Astronomer." Concerning Poetry. 18 (1985): 39-46.
  • ---. "Nature, Time, and Transcendence in Cummings' Later Poems." Critical Essays on E. E. Cummings. Ed. Guy Rotella. Boston: G.K. Hall, 1984. 283-302.
  • Ruiz, Antonio. "The Dadaist Prose of Williams and Cummings: A Novelette and [No Title]." William Carlos Williams Review 28.1-2 (Spring / Fall 2008): 101-115.
  • Rumble, Walker. "The Persian Typesetter: S. A. Jacobs, E. E. Cummings, and the Golden Eagle Press." Spring: The Journal of the E. E. Cummings Society 20 (2013): 37-45.
  • "Reclaiming S. A. Jacobs: Polytype, Golden Eagle, and Typographic Modernism." American Printing History Association (20 March 2014). Web.
  • Rus, Louis C. "Cummings' '(one!)'." Explicator 15 (Jan. 1956), item 40.
  • ---. "Structural Ambiguity: A Note on Meaning and the Linguistic Analysis of Literature, With Illustrations from E. E. Cummings." Language Learning 6.1-2 (1955): 62-67.
  • Sample, C. K. “Egotist EIMI:Cummings’ Russian Experience.” MA Thesis. Illinois State University, 1998. Web.
  • Sanders, Barry. "Cummings' All in Green Went My Love Riding." Explicator 25.3 (Nov. 1966): item 23
  • Savo, Jimmy. I Bow to the Stones: Memories of a New York Childhood. New York: Howard Frisch, 1963.
  • Sawyer-Lauçanno, Christopher. E. E. Cummings: A Biography. Naperville, IL: Sourcebooks, 2004.
  • Schroeder, Fred E. H. "Obscenity and Its Function in the Poetry of E. E. Cummings." Sewanee Review 73 (1965): 469-468.
  • Scotti, Stephen R. "Stephen Scotti Discusses Production and Review." Spring: The Journal of the E. E. Cummings Society Old Series 10.2 (October 1990): 12-13.
  • ---. "VIVA CUMMINGS! On the Road in South America (April 1992)." Spring: The Journal of the E. E. Cummings Society 3 (1994): 97-101.
  • Seidman, Barbara. "'Patroninze Your Neighborhood Wake-Up-And-Dreamery': E. E. Cummings and the Cinematic Imagination." Literature / Film Quarterly 13 (1985): 10-21.
  • Seldes, Gilbert. The Seven Lively Arts. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1924. Rpt. with an introduction by Michael Kammen. Mineola, New York: Dover, 2001.
  • ---. The 7 Lively Arts. 2nd ed. New York: Sagamore, 1957.
  • ---. "Accuracy and Beauty." Review of The Enormous Room by E. E. Cummings The Double Dealer (August 1 1922): 100 103.
  • ---. "Three Clowns." The New Republic 45 (Jan. 20, 1926): 243-44.
  • ---. "The Vagaries of Jimmy Savo." Esquire 22 (Nov. 1944): 93.
  • Seldes, Gilbert, ed. him AND the CRITICS: a collection of opinions on e. e. cummings’ play at the provincetown playhouse. New York: Provincetown Players and S. A. Jacobs, 1928.
  • Smeltsor, Marjorie. " 'Damn Everything but the Circus': Popular Art in the Twenties and Him." Modern Drama 17 (1974): 43-55.
  • Spencer, Theodore. "Technique as Joy." Rpt. in S. V. Baum, ed. ΕΣΤΙ:eec: E. E. Cummings and the Critics. 119-123.
  • Squier, Charles L. "Cummings’ Anyone Lived In A Pretty How Town." Explicator 25.4 (Dec. 1966): Item 37.
  • Steegmuller, Francis. Cocteau. 1970. 2nd ed. Boston: Godine, 1986.
  • Stevens, Peter. “Sam Ward.” Cummings at Silver Lake, Friends of Madison Library, April 2015. Web.
  • Stovall, Tyler. Paris Noir: African Americans in the City of Light. New York: Houghton Mifflin, 1996.
  • Tartakovsky, Roi. "E. E. Cummings’s Parentheses: Punctuation as Poetic Device." Style 43.2 (Summer 2009): 215-247.
  • Tashjian, Dickran. "E. E. Cummings and Dada Formalism." Skyscraper Primitives: Dada and the American Avant-Garde, 1910-1925. Middletown CT: Wesleyan UP, 1975. 165-87.
  • Tate, Allen. "Personal Convention." Rev of ViVa, by E. E. Cummings. Poetry 39 (1932): 330-32. Rpt. in Guy Rotella. Critical Essays. 332-337.
  • Terblanche, Etienne. "The Osmotic Mandala: On the Nature of Boundaries in E. E. Cummings' Poetry." Spring 10 (2001): 9-22.
  • ---. “Cummings’ ‘l(a’: Solitude, Solidarity, Wholeness.” Spring 11 (2002): 52-65.
  • ---. “‘That incredible unanimal mankind’: Jacques Derrida, E, E. Cummings and a Grasshopper.” Journal of Literary Studies 20.3/4 (September, 2004): 218-247.
  • ---. "The Yin Dynamic in Cummings' Poetry." Spring: The Journal of the E. E. Cummings Society 16 (2007): 40-59.
  • ---. "Iconicity and Naming in E. E. Cummings's Poetry." Signergy. [Iconicity in Language and Literature 9] Ed. C. Jac Conradie et al. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 2010. 179–191.
  • ---. "Is There a Hero in this Poem? E. E. Cummings's 'Buffalo Bill's / defunct'." The Explicator 70.4 (Dec. 2012): 304-307.
  • ---. "Oscillating Center and Frame in E. E. Cummings's 'in Just- / spring'." The Explicator 73.2 (2015): 105-108.
  • ---. " 'The plum survives its poems:' Meditative Space in the Poetry of E. E. Cummings and Wallace Stevens." Spring: The Journal of the E. E. Cummings Society 21-22 (2014-2015): 161-181.
  • ---. T. S. Eliot, Poetry, and Earth: The Name of the Lotos Rose. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2016.
  • ---. "Butterfly Dialectics in Modern Poetry." ISLE: Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment 24.4 (Autumn 2017): 620-638.
  • Terblanche, Etienne and Michael Webster. “Eco-Iconicity in the Poetry and Poem-groups of E. E. Cummings.” Insistent Images: Iconicity in Language and Literature 5. Eds. Elzbieta Tabakowska, Christina Ljungberg, and Olga Fischer. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 2007. 155-172.
  • Tisserand, Michael. Krazy: George Herriman, A Life in Black and White. New York: Harper, 2016.
  • Triem, Eve. E. E. Cummings. Minneapolis: U of Minnesota P, 1969. [University of Minnesota Pamphlets on American Writers No. 87]
  • Tucker, Robert, and Dagmar Reutlinger, "E. E. Cummings as an Artist: The Dial Drawings." The Massachusetts Review 16 (1975): 329-356.
  • Tucker, Robert G. and David R. Clark. "Freedom, Joy & Indignation: Letters from E. E. Cummings." The Massachusetts Review 4.3 (Spring 1963): 497-528.
  • Vendler, Helen. "Poetry: Ammons, Berryman, Cummings." The Yale Review 62.3 (March, 1973): 412-19. Rpt. as "Ammons, Berryman, Cummings." Part of Nature, Part of Us: Modern American Poets. Cambridge, MA: Harvard UP, 1980. 323-330. Rpt. in Critical Essays on E. E. Cummings. Ed. Guy Rotella. Boston: G.K. Hall, 1984. 99-105.
  • ---. "Poetry in Review." Rev. of Complete Poems, 1913-1962. By E. E. Cummings. The Yale Review 80.3 (1992): 209-221.
  • Vernyik, Zénó. Cities of Saviors. Urban Space in E. E. Cummings' Complete Poems, 1904-1962 and Peter Ackroyd's Hawksmoor. Szeged, Hungary: AMERICANA eBooks, 2015.
  • ---. "Charting a Dream. The Spatial and Textual Structure of E. E. Cummings' Him." Dream, Imagination and Reality in Literature. South Bohemian Anglo-American Studies 1. Eds. Kamila Vránková and Christopher Koy. České Budějovice: Jihočeská Univerzita, 2007. 140-146. Print and Web.
  • ---. " 'decomposing in the mouth of New York': Spatial New York City in E. E. Cummings' Tulips & Chimneys." Theory and Practice in English Studies. Vol. 4. Proceedings from the Eighth Conference of English, American and Canadian Studies. Ed. Jan Chovanec. Brno: Masarykova Univerzita, 2005. 261-267.
  • ---. " 'Fourdimensional Ideas into a Twodimensional Stage': E. E. Cummings' and László Moholy-Nagy's Aesthetics of Drama and Theater.” Brno Studies in English 34.14 (2008): 139-149. Print and Web.
  • ---. "Sacred-Evil New York. Urban Spatiality in Tulips & Chimneys." Words into Pictures. E. E. Cummings' Art Across Borders. Ed. Jiří Flajšar and Zénó Vernyik. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2007. 126-154.
  • Von Abele, Rudolf. " 'Only to Grow': Change in the Poetry of E. E. Cummings." PMLA 70.5 (Dec. 1955): 913-33.
  • Vowles, Richard B. "Cummings' 'Space being... Curved'." Explicator 9.1 (Jan. 1950), item 3.
  • Wagner-Martin, Linda. "Cummings' Him--and Me." Spring: The Journal of the E. E. Cummings Society New Series 1 (1992): 28-36.
  • Walsh, Robert C. "Cummings' 'Anyone Lived in a Pretty How Town'." Explicator 22.9 (May 1964): Item 72.
  • Webster, Michael. Reading Visual Poetry after Futurism: Marinetti, Apollinaire, Schwitters, Cummings. New York: Peter Lang, 1995.
  • ---. "Cummings, Kennedy, and the Major / Minor Issue." Spring: The Journal of the E. E. Cummings Society 4 (1995): 76-82.
  • ---. "E. E. Cummings and the Reader: Technique as Critique." Interart Poetics: Essays on the Interrelations of the Arts and Media. Ed. Ulla-Britta Lagerroth, Hans Lund, and Erik Hedling. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1997. 223-232.
  • ---. " 'hatred bounces': Satire and Prejudice in the Poetry of E. E Cummings." Spring: The Journal of the E. E. Cummings Society 7 (1998): 23-38.
  • ---. "'singing is silence': Being and Nothing in the Visual Poetry of E. E. Cummings." Form Miming Meaning: Iconicity in Language and Literature. Ed. Olga Fischer and Max Nänny. Amsterdam and Philadelphia, John Benjamins, 1999. 199-214.
  • ---. Review of Martin Heusser's I Am My Writing and Norman Friedman's (Re)Valuing Cummings. Spring: The Journal of the E. E. Cummings Society 8 (1999): 171-78.
  • ---. "E. E. Cummings: The New Nature Poetry and the Old." Spring: The Journal of the E. E. Cummings Society 9 (2000): 109-124.
  • ---. "Magic Iconism: Defamiliarization, Sympathetic Magic, and Visual Poetry (Apollinaire and Cummings)." European Journal of English Studies, 5 (2001): 97-113.
  • ---. "Poemgroups in No Thanks." Spring: The Journal of the E. E. Cummings Society 11 (2002): 10-40.
  • ---. " 'floating particles of paper': E. E. Cummings' Collage Poems." Cahiers Charles V 34 (September 2003): 51-73. [Collage / Montage / Assemblage: Poésie Anglaise et Américaine. Ed. Paul Volsik]
  • ---. Review of E. E. Cummings: A Biography, by Christopher Sawyer-Lauçanno. Spring: The Journal of the E. E. Cummings Society 13 (2004): 147-153.
  • ---. "Cummings' Sinister Dexterity: Exercises in Meaning and Unmeaning." Spring: The Journal of the E. E. Cummings Society 13 (2004): 90-103.
  • ---. "The Enormous Room: A Dada of One’s Own." Spring: The Journal of the E. E. Cummings Society 14-15 (2005-2006): 127-140.
  • ---. "A Memorial: Nancy T. Andrews, Daughter of E. E. Cummings." Spring: The Journal of the E. E. Cummings Society 14-15 (2005-2006): 260-268.
  • ---. Review of E. E. Cummings, ou la minuscule lyrique, by Isabelle Alfandary. Spring: The Journal of the E. E. Cummings Society 16 (2007): 176-181.
  • ---. "Cummings's Silent Numerical Iconic Prosody." Media inter Media: Essays in Honor of Claus Clüver. Ed. Stephanie Glaser. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2010. 423-438.
  • ---. " 'almost all I don’t know about art': E .E. Cummings Explicates His Dust Jacket Blurb for Him.” Spring: The Journal of the E. E. Cummings Society 17 (2010): 44-57.
  • ---. "Notes for Cummings: A Resource for Students and Teachers." Spring: The Journal of the E. E. Cummings Society 17 (2010): 96-105.
  • ---. "Pound Teaching Cummings, Cummings Teaching Pound." Ezra Pound and Education. Eds. Steven Yao and Michael Coyle. Orono, ME: National Poetry Foundation, 2012. 47-66.
  • ---. "Lugete: The Divine Lost and Found Child in Cummings." Spring: The Journal of the E. E. Cummings Society 19 (2012): 37-49.
  • ---. "Cummings Centennials (1913)." EEC Society Blog (17 Dec. 2014). Web.
  • ---. "E. E. Cummings." A Companion to Modernist Poetry. Ed. David Chinitz and Gail McDonald. Chichester, U.K. / Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell, 2014. 494-504.
  • ---. "Plotting the Evolution of a r-p-o-p-h-e-s-s-a-g-r." Spring: The Journal of the E. E. Cummings Society 20 (2013): 116-143.
  • ---. Review of Etienne Terblanche, E. E. Cummings: Poetry and Ecology (Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2012). Spring: The Journal of the E. E. Cummings Society 20 (2013): 167-171.
  • ---. "An Old Door, Cummings' Personal Printer, and W [ViVa]." EEC Society Blog (29 June 2015). Web.
  • ---. "Cummings Rewrites Eliot." T. S. Eliot, France, and the Mind of Europe. Ed. Jayme Stayer. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2015. 75-91.
  • ---. "Estlin Cummings, 'Animal Emperor' and Wild West Impresario." EEC Society Blog (4 Aug. 2015). Web.
  • ---. "Audio Cummings." EEC Society Blog (21 Aug. 2015). Web.
  • ---. "The 'small eye poet' from Imagism to 'not numerable whom'." Spring: The Journal of the E. E. Cummings Society 21-22 (2014-2015): 106-118.
  • Wegner, Robert E. The Poetry and Prose of E. E. Cummings. New York: Harcourt, Brace & World, 1965.
  • ---. "Where are the Yeggs of Yesteryear?" Spring: The Journal of the E. E. Cummings Society 5 (1996): 55-58.
  • ---. "A Visit with E. E. Cummings." Spring: The Journal of the E. E. Cummings Society 5 (1996): 59-70.
  • Welch, Michael Dylan. "The Haiku Sensibilities of E. E. Cummings." Spring: The Journal of the E. E. Cummings Society. New Series 4 (1995): 95-120.
  • Whicher, Stephen E. "Cummings' What If a Much of a Which of a Wind." Explicator 12 (1953/1954), item 14.
  • Wickes, George. Americans in Paris. Garden City: Doubleday / Paris Review Press, 1969.
  • "William Slater Brown and The Enormous Room." Spring: The Journal of the E. E. Cummings Society. New Series 1 (1992): 87-91.
  • Wilson, Edmund. "Him." The New Republic 52 (2 Nov. 1927): 293-294. Rpt. as "E. E. Cummings' Him." The Shores of Light. New York: Farrar, Straus, & Young, 1952. 282-285. Rpt. in Dendinger, E. E. Cummings: The Critical Reception. 88-90. [This is a review of the play as published.]
  • ---. “Wallace Stevens and E. E. Cummings.” Rev. of Harmonium by Wallace Stevens and Tulips and Chimneys by E. E. Cummings. New Republic (19 Mar. 1924): 102-103. Rpt. in S. V. Baum, Ed. ΕΣΤΙ:eec: E. E. Cummings and the Critics. East Lansing, MI: Michigan State UP, 1962: 24-27. Rpt. in Guy Rotella, ed. Critical Essays on E. E. Cummings. 43-46.
  • ---. "Paul Rosenfeld: Three Phases: Portrait of a Humanist Man of Letters" Commentary 5 (Feb. 1948): 111-118. Rpt. Classics and Commercials: A Literary Chronicle of the Forties. New York: Farrar, Straus, 1951. 503-520.
  • Williams, Paul O. "Cummings' 'kind)'." Explicator 23.1 (Sept.1964): item 4.
  • Williams, William Carlos. "Lower Case Cummings." The Harvard Wake 5 (Spring 1946): 20-23. Rpt. in E. E. Cummings: A Collection of Critical Essays. Ed. Norman Friedman. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1972. 100-103.
  • ---. "E. E. Cummings's Paintings and Poems." Arts Digest 1954. Rpt. A Recognizable Image: William Carlos Williams on Art and Artists. Ed. Bram Dijkstra. New York: New Directions, 1978. 233-237.
  • ---. Rev. of 95 Poems by E. E. Cummings. Evergreen Review 2.7 (Winter 1959): 214-216.
  • Winter, Ariel S. "E. E. Cummings: Fairy Tales." We Too Were Children, Mr. Barrie: Being a Compendium of Children’s Books by Twentieth Century “Adult” Authors Currently Out of Print. 27 Sept. 2011. Web.
  • Wright, Willard Huntington. Modern Painting: Its Tendency and Meaning. New York: John Lane, 1915.
  • ---. "Art, Promise, and Failure."Forum 55 (Jan. 1916): 29-43.
  • Yablon, Alys Rho. " 'myself is sculptor of / your body's idiom': Representations of Women in Cummings’ Love Poetry." Spring: The Journal of the E. E. Cummings Society. New Series 7 (1998): 39-67.
  • Young, Stark. "Him" New Republic 54 (2 May 1928): 325-26. Rpt in S. V. Baum, ed. ΕΣΤΙ :eec: E. E. Cummings and the Critics. East Lansing: Michigan State UP, 1962. 47-49. [This is a review of the play as performed.]