
Papers from the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology Conferences

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The World Health Organisation (WHO, 2017) stressed the importance of support during labour and childbirth to the women. Indonesia’s Ministry of Health in cooperation with the WHO, Indonesian Obstetrics and Gynaecology Association, and Indonesian Midwives Association recommended a support person (family member) to accompany women during labour and childbirth (Kementrian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia, 2013). However, in most parts of Indonesia, this recommendation has not been applied properly. With support from the management of the maternity centre, this study offered the women to have the husband’s support during labour and childbirth in order to understand the women’s and husband’s perspective of support during labour and childbirth. This study used a qualitative method, which was very rare, particularly in Indonesia. A quantitative method was included to investigate the couples’ perception of support during labour and childbirth. Eighteen couples were interviewed at three different times: before, during, and after childbirth. This study found similar themes between the women and husbands’ perception about support during labour and childbirth except one woman who felt negatively because her husband agreed with the midwife’s recommendation to do caesarean while the woman expected the normal childbirth. In addition, cross tabulation was added to understand the couples’ perception. This study contributed a new perspective of couples’ perception about support during labour and childbirth. Based on the finding, this study recommended maternity centres or local health care centres to provide information about the importance of support during labour and childbirth via posters, pamphlets, and leaflets. In addition, this study recommended to the Indonesian Ministry of Health to use newspapers, television, radio, and social media to inform all Indonesians about the importance of support during labour and childbirth via programs, community service announcements, and advertisements.


Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Johanna Natalia, e-mail:

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