Papers from the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology Conferences
Submissions from 2025
Book of Abstracts, IACCP
Recorded Keynotes and Abstracts, IACCP
Foreword, Ayu Okvitawanli, Wolfgang Friedlmeier, and Rachana Bhangaokar
Submissions from 2024
Tatana Traditional Costume and its Effect on Tatana Youths’ Ethnic Affirmation in Kuala Penyu, Sabah, Malaysia, Getrude C. Ah Gang
Cultural Identity, Cultural Security and Acculturation Strategies of Hindus and Muslims in India, Shabana Bano, Ramesh Chandra Mishra, and Rama Charan Tripathi
The Effect of Socioeconomic Status Descriptors on Judgements about Unpunctuality, Tatiana Basáñez, Brittney Barcena, Vanessa Delgadillo, Icseel Ortiz Ayala, Angelica Ortiz, Samantha Andrade, Amber Fajardo, and Cynthia Stewart
Decent Work-Life-Flow and its Assessment, Jan Philipp Czakert, Florian Scheibein, John Wells, Leonor Pais, Nuno Rebelo dos Santos, and Rita Berger
Why the General Trust of Chinese People is Higher Than That of Japanese People?, Pingping Lin
Perceptions and Attitudes Pertaining to the Uptake of Paternity Leave in the United Arab Emirates, Teresa Lojzer, Greg Fantham, and Cakil Agnew
Indonesian Couples’ Perception of Spouse’s Support during Labour and Childbirth, Johanna Natalia
Parental Socialization Goals in Five Countries: Measurement Equivalence and Cross-Country Differences, Ronja A. Runge and Renate Soellner
Bicultural Identity Integration and Life Satisfaction: Two Generations of Bangladeshi in the UK, Raihana Sharmin and Pawel Boski
The Conductome – A New Paradigm for Understanding Human Behaviour, Christopher R. Stephens, Dagmara Wrzecionkowska, Estefanía Espitia-Bautista, Roland Díaz-Loving, and Gabriela Contreras
Mental Resilience and State Anxiety in Bulgarians Living in their Country of Origin or Abroad During COVID-19 Pandemic, Stanislava Stoyanova
Effect of Tatraka on Anxiety and the Concentration of Adolescents in Sanskrit and Arabic Schools, Rajnish Chandra Tripathi
The Influence of Cultural Background Information on Emotional Body Language Recognition, Erjia Xu and Ping Hu
Submissions from 2023
Foreword, Emma E. Buchtel and Wolfgang Friedlmeier
Submissions from 2022
Leadership Behavior, Stress, and Presenteeism: A Cross-Cultural Comparison, Jan Philipp Czakert, Julia A. M. Reif, and Rita Berger
A Cross Cultural Perspective of Adherence for Racial/Ethnic Minority Women with HIV, Living in the United States, Lunthita M. Duthely, Olga Villar-Loubet, Sneha Akurati, and Alex P. Sanchez Covarrubias
What is Socially Responsible During a Pandemic? Exploring the Role of Values, Trust and Adherence to Covid-19 Preventive Measures With a Mixed-Methods Study on Italian and Greek Young People, Irene Giovanetti, Maria-Nefeli Dimopoulou, and Vassilis Pavlopoulos
Expatriate Adolescents’ Resilience: Risk and Protective Factors in the Third Culture Context, Jorunn Jo Holmberg, Lilly Augustine, Sahil Datta, and Toshie Imada
Abstracts, IACCP
List of presented talks with links, IACCP
More Than Yes and No: Predicting the Magnitude of Non-Invariance Between Countries from Systematic Features, Johannes A. Karl and Ronald Fischer
Links Between Maternal Emotion Socialization Goals and Practices in an Urban Indian Context, Tripti Kathuria, Shagufa Kapadia, and Wolfgang Friedlmeier
A Comparison of Factors Affecting Verbal Aggression Between Japan and China: Emotion and Politeness, Takeyasu Kawabata, Yoshiko Koizumi, Li Xioping, and Wang Chong
Foreword, Martina Klicperova-Baker and Wolfgang Friedlmeier
Linguistic Competence and Bicultural Identity: Mutually (Re)enforcing or Compensatory Mechanisms for Acculturation?, Łukasz Kmiotek
Representations of Young People Aged 15-17 About Their Cultural Orientations and the Cultural Orientations of Their Immediate Social Environment, Olga Alexandrovna Moskvitina
The Effect of Social Axioms on the Relationship Between Needs and Well-Being, Cătălin Mosoia and Margareta Dincă
The Proximal Zone of Intercultural Development (PZID), Rachid Oulahal
Adjustment of Refugees in Greece as a Social Identity Process: A Longitudinal Study, Angelos Panagiotopoulos, Irene Giovanetti, and Vassilis Pavlopoulos
The Role of Culture in Mental Illness Perspectives in the Quebec Population, Myriam Roy
Testing Concurrent Validity and Group-Differences of a Four-dimensional Assessment of Attitudes Toward Mutual Acculturation, Petra Sidler
Issue of Multicultural People in Globalizing Japan: (Cultural) Identity, Mental Health and “Ibasho”, Kazuyo Suzuki, Michiko Ishibashi, Yumi Suzuki, and Fumiteru Nitta
Submissions from 2020
Model of Autonomous-Related Singles Counseling in Collectivistic Cultures: The Turkey Model, Kâmile Bahar Aydın
How Shall we all Live Together?, John W. Berry
Perceived Competence and Agreeableness Predict Positive Behaviors Toward Mexican Immigrants: Less Acculturated Hispanics are More Welcoming of Immigrants, Elia Hilda Bueno and Roque V. Mendez
The Elephant in the Room: The Often Neglected Relevance of Speciesism in Bias Towards Ethnic Minorities and Immigrants, Melisa Choubak and Saba Safdar
Perception of Expectation States and Teaching Diversity in Higher Education: Insights from a Qualitative Study, Jun Fu and Sue C. Jacobs
What We Can Learn about Multiculturalism from Latin American Psychology, Judith L. Gibbons
Traditional Career Development Models Lack the African Woman Voice, Bongiwe Hobololo
Hostile and Benevolent Sexism in India: Analysis Across Cultures, Suparna Jain, Manpreet Kaur, and Shradha Jain
Foreword, Saba Safdar, Catherine Kwantes, and Wolfgang Friedlmeier
Intermarried Couples: Transnationalism, and Racialized Experiences in Denmark and Canada, Rashmi Singla and Hema Ganapathy-Coleman
Normative Multiculturalism in Socio-Political Context, Colleen Ward, Sara M. Watters, Jaimee Stuart, and Johannes A. Karl
Submissions from 2018
Mutual Perception and Relational Strategies of Hindus and Muslims in India, Shabana Bano, R. C. Mishra, and R. C. Tripathi
Effects of Yoga Nidra on Physical and Psychological Health, Rajnish Chandra Tripathi
‘Team Australia?’: Understanding Acculturation From Multiple Perspectives, Justine Dandy, Tahereh Ziaian, and Carolyn Moylan
An Indigenous Measure of Social Desirability Across Non-Western Countries, Alejandra del Carmen Domínguez-Espinosa, Jia He, Mariano Rosabal-Coto, Camelia Harb, Isabel Benitez Baena, Tania Acosta, Catalina Estrada, Carolina Barrios, Fons J. R. van de Vijver, and Pedro Wolfgang Velasco Matus
Book: Venture into a New Realm of Cross-Cultural Psychology Meditation, Mantric Poetry, and Well-being: A Qualitative, Cross-Cultural, Cross-Disciplinary Exploration with American Secondary and Japanese Post-Secondary Adolescents, Lunthita M. Duthely, Harashita Y. Sunaoshi, and Olga M. Villar-Loubet
Socioeconomic Status, Reactions to Choice Deprivation in Group Contexts, and the Role of Perceived Restrictions on Personal Freedom, Charis Eisen, Keiko Ishii, and Hidefumi Hitokoto
Ethnic Identity and Ethnic Organizations: The Role of Self-Construal in the Psychological Well-Being of Migrants, L. H. K. Fente and S. T. Fiske
Cross-Cultural Differences in Interpersonal and Intrapersonal Understandings of Forgiveness, Sharon M. Flicker and Loan T. T Bui
Who Cares? Attitudes of High School Students From Various Countries Towards Global and Domestic Environmental Issues, Kseniya Fomichova and Taku Misonou
Theorizing the Relationship Between Identity and Diversity Engagement: Openness Through Identity Mismatch, Andrea D. Haugen, Stacey M. Rieck, Phia S. S. Salter, Sahana Mukherjee, and Michael J. Perez
Foreword, Minoru Karasawa, Masaki Yuki, Keiko Ishii, Yukiko Uchida, Kosuke Sato, and Wolfgang Friedlmeier
Polish-French Bilingualism and Bicultural Identity: Cross-Cultural Studies on Immigrants in France and Belgium, and French Language Students in Poland, Łukasz K. Kmiotek, Joanna M. Kwiatowska, and Paweł Boski
The Implications of Social Skills on the Formation of Relationships Between Indonesian Muslims and Japanese, Sachiko Nakano and Tomoko Tanaka
Mexicans’ Emotion Regulation Strategies and Relationship Satisfaction by Gender, Sofía Rivera-Aragón, Rolando Díaz-Loving, Claudia Ivethe Jaen-Cortés, Gerardo Benjamín Tonatiuh Villanueva-Orozco, Pedro Wolfgang Velasco-Matus, Luz Maria Cruz-Martínez, and Angélica Romero-Palencia
Teaching Cultural Competence: A Comparison of Outcomes Between In-Class and Study Abroad Programs, Sawa Senzaki, Michelle McChesney, Annemarie Schwery, and Taylor Steele
Localised Differences in the Conception of Cultural and Economic Security: Examining the Multiculturalism Hypothesis in Singapore, Eugene Teng and Chan-Hoong Leong
International Students’ Integration in Classroom: Strategies and Support by Teachers and Local Students in Higher Education, Simran Vazirani, Carmen Carmona, Jose Vidal, Nerea Hernaiz-Agreda, Inmaculada López-Francés, and María Jesús Benlloch-Sanchis
Submissions from 2016
Intergenerational Family Relations in Luxembourg: Adult Children and their Ageing Parents in Migrant and Non-Migrant Families, Isabelle Albert, Dieter Ferring, and Dieter Ferring
Locating the Self in Autobiographical Memories: A New Approach to Analysis, Radka Antalíková, Manuel L. de la Mata, Andrés Santamaría, Mercedes Cubero, Samuel Arias, and Tia G. B. Hansen
Depression and Help Seeking in the Sri Lankan-Australian and Anglo-Australian Community: A Qualitative Exploration-Preliminary Findings, Josefine Antoniades and Bianca Brijnath
Who I am Depends on Where I Am: The Impact of a Sojourn on Home and Host Country Identity, Regina Arant, Thomas Kühn, and Klaus Boehnke
Validity and Reliability of the Aydin-Flow Coping with Stress Scale (AFCSS) on Multiple Samples in the United States, Kâmile Bahar Aydın and Eric Sandarg
Who is Responsible for the Conflict? The Role of Identification and Perception of Discrimination, Zeynep Balkaş, Zeynep Yanık, and Elif Çelebi
Intercultural Competencies to Overcome Trauma, Anna Bayard-Richez, Patrick Denoux, and Julien Teyssier
Culture + Behaviour + Comparison = Cross-Cultural Psychology, John W. Berry
Cognitive Interview as an Effective Method in Cross-Cultural Research: A Study of Organizational Leaders in Sweden and India, Urmi Nanda Biswas, Karin Allard, Annika Härenstam, and Anders Poussette
Do Individual-level Value Preferences Impact Country-level Social Cohesion? An Exploratory Multi-level Analysis Based on ESS Data, Mandy Boehnke and Klaus Boehnke
Values and Migration Motives in Three Ethnic Groups in Indonesia, Ihsana Sabriani Borualogo and Fons J. R. Van de Vijver
Intercultural Competences and Self-Identity as Key Factors to Adaptation, Carmen Carmona, Karen I. Van der Zee, Jan Pieter Van Oudenhoven, and Nerea Hernaiz-Agreda
The Effects of Cognitive and Emotional Empathy on the Perception and Prejudice towards Migrants: An Exploratory Study, Maisonneuve Christelle and Taillandier-Schmitt Anne
(De)Constructing Multiculturalism: A Discourse Analysis of Immigration and Refugee System in Canadian Media, Kim H. Chuong and Saba Safdat
Outgroup Attitudes as a Function of East Asian Religiousness: Marked by High or Low Prejudice?, Magali Clobert, Vassilis Saroglou, Kwang-Kuo Hwang, and Wen-Li Soong
Acculturation Strategies of Young Immigrants Living in Belgium: The View of Young Belgian Nationals, Stephanie Barros Coimbra, Isabelle Albert, Dieter Ferring, and Assaad Azzi
Representing Human Cultural and Biological Diversity in Neuropsychiatry: Why and How, Daina Crafa and Saskia K. Nagel
Understanding Uzbek Child Rearing as a Mediating Factor in the Government’s Reliance on Child Forced Labor During the Annual Cotton Harvest: A Pilot Project, Kathleen Crowley
Benefits and Challenges of Qualitative Methodologies in Cross-cultural Psychology Studies, Rafaela de Quadros Rigoni
Determinants of Social Prejudice and Factors Influencing Perception of Immigrant Groups in Georgia, Medea Despotashvili
Multi-Factorial Measure of Parenting and Children’s Psychological Disorders: A Cross-Cultural Study, Marwan Dwairy
A Similarity Graph-based Approach to Study Social Representations of the Economic Crisis: A Comparison between Italian and Greek Social Groups, Roberto Fasanelli, Anna Liguori, and Ida Galli
Effectiveness of Group Interventions for Depressed Iranian Migrants in Austria, Atefeh Fathi, Walter Renner, and Barbara Juen
Cultural Change, Human Activity, and Cognitive Development, Mary Gauvain and Robert L. Munroe
Culture in Psychology: Then and Now, Patricia M. Greenfield
The Racism, Acceptance, and Cultural-Ethnocentrism Scale (RACES): Measuring Racism in Australia, Kaine Grigg and Lenore Manderson
Culture Display Rules of Smiling and Personal Well-being: Mutually Reinforcing or Compensatory Phenomena? Polish - Canadian Comparisons, Daniela Hekiert, Saba Safdar, Pawel Boski, Kuba Krys, and J Rees Lewis
The Nationality of Theories, Geert Hofstede and Mark F. Peterson
Cross-cultural Differences in the Use of Disciplinary Methods among Chinese, Immigrant Chinese and English Mothers, Ching-Yu Huang
When Arab Girls Break the Rules: A Qualitative Study, Camelia Ibrahim-Nassar
From Diversity to Systematic Patterns and Integrative Syntheses: A Journey in Cross-Cultural Psychology, Cigdem Kagitcibasi
Why Employee Turnover? The influence of Chinese Management and Organizational Justice, Feng-Hsia Kao, Min-Ping Huang, and Bor-Shiuan Cheng
Culture, Emotional Expression and Parental Socialization Strategies among Two-year-old Israeli Toddlers, Manal Khoury Karayanni and Jenny Kurman
Polish Baby Boom in United Kingdom – Emotional Determinants of Medical Care Perception by Pregnant Poles in UK, Maria Kazmierczak, Agnieszka Nowak, Beata Pastwa-Wojciechowska, and Robin Goodwin
Сulture, Stress and Coping: Socio-Cultural Context Influence on Coping Types among Russians, Tatiana Kryukova, Tatiana Gushchina, and Olga Ekimchik