

Wellness tourism has become an increasingly popular trend as many resorts and destinations now offer these activities and amenities. Given that the “wellness travel” term is relatively new for U.S. travelers, it is unknown how they may differ in their wellness and travel choices from non U.S. travelers. Convenience samples of tourists in the US and Europe were surveyed about their differences in wellness travel motivations and perceived wellness. T-tests revealed significant differences. U.S. travelers were more likely to want to participate in outdoor activities such as hiking and camping when traveling compared to non U.S. travelers. Non U.S. travelers felt more physically well compared to the U.S. travelers. U.S. travelers felt more socially well than non U.S. travelers. Future research could explore other variables not examined here, such as obesity rates, economic conditions, and vacation days allowed from work.


wellness traveler, US and non-US travelers, push and pull factors, travel motivations

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