Journal of Tourism Insights | Grand Valley State University


Editor Title
Editor Title

“The Journal of Tourism Insights” has ceased publication after the Volume 14 (2024) issue.

The Journal of Tourism Insights, is the official refereed publication of RECNet (The Recreation Experience Community Network) a non-profit organization whose mission is to serve as a vehicle to communicate, educate and promote standards of professionalism within the tourism industry and to provide opportunities for continuing education, networking and awareness of industry trends. Each submission is blind reviewed by at least two respected hospitality or tourism professors.

The Journal of Tourism Insights is recognized by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

Current Issue: Volume 14, Issue 1 (2024)


Welcome to Volume 14 of the Journal of Tourism Insights (JTI). In this issue we are pleased to present the work of authors from around the globe. The hospitality and tourism industry is a major contributor to the global economy. The articles in this issue represent numerous sectors of this mega-industry.

We thank this issue’s Journal Editors:

  • Dr. Joshua Carroll (Radford University)
  • Dr. Kevin Nelson (Western Colorado University)
  • Dr. Jeremy Schultz (Western Carolina University)
  • Dr. Kate Price-Howard (Troy University)
  • Dr. Mohammed Lefrid (Grand Valley State University)

We would also like to publicly express our gratitude to numerous professors who professionally reviewed a large number of articles. Your time and expertise are very much appreciated.

Professor A. Scott Rood: Editor-in-Chief (Grand Valley State University).



An Importance-Performance Analysis of the Bike Virginia Event
Joshua Carroll Ph.D. and Thomas K. Duncan Ph.D.


Homestay Tourism in Jammu and Kashmir: A Pathway to Sustainable Development and Cultural Exchange
Ajaz Ahmad Dar, Dr Danish Iqbal Raina, Sajad Ahmad Bhat, and Parvez Abdullah


Raas Festival: A Catalyst for Tourism Development in Assam, India
Madhuchhanda Das Gupta Dr., Chandana Bhattacharjee Dr., and Rosemary Debbarma


A Study of Factors Influencing Tourism Service Quality: A Comprehensive Review and Analysis
GOWHAR AHMAD WANI Dr, Rubeena Khaliq Dr, Ayoub Khan Dawood Dr, and Aamir Majeed Parray


Tourist Behavior and Accommodation Preferences: Analyzing Expenditure and Stay Motives in Goa.
Mr. Alroy Anthony Salvador Mascarenhas and Prof. (Dr.) Anthony Rodrigues


Unheard Voices: The Dynamics of Local Non-Participation in Homestay Tourism in Jammu and Kashmir
Dr Danish Iqbal Raina, Sajad Ahmad Bhat, Ajaz Ahmad Dar, and Dr Basith Nabi Wani


Investigating the Impacts of Homestay Tourism on a Local Community: Homestay Operators' Perspectives in Anantnag District
Sajad Ahmad Bhat, ajaz ahmad dar, Dr Danish Iqbal Raina, and Dr Basith Nabi Wani