

Reviewing process

Each paper submitted is subject to the following review procedures:

  • ."
  • It is reviewed by the Editor for general suitability for this publication.
  • If it is judged suitable two reviewers are selected and a double blind review process takes place.
  • Based on the recommendations of the reviewers, the editor then decides whether the particular article should be accepted as it is, revised or rejected.


Authors who contribute to The Journal of Tourism Insights (JTI) are the initial owners of the copyrights to their works, and they retain copyright even after publication of JTI, in accordance with the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Manuscript requirements

  1. Articles should be a maximum of 6000 words in length.
  2. Please use single line spacing to conserve paper during the review and production processes.
  3. A title of not more than eight words should be provided at the top of the first page of the manuscript and top of the author/affiliation file. Do not use headers or footnotes.
  4. A brief autobiographical note should be supplied as a separate file including:
    • Full name
    • Affiliation
    • E-mail address
    • Brief professional biography (please include .jpg headshot)
    This information should be provided on a separate sheet and authors should not be identified.
  5. Authors must supply an abstract. Maximum is 250 words in total. In addition provide up to six keywords. This must be placed at the top of the first manuscript page.
  6. Headings must be short, with a clear indication of the distinction between the hierarchy of headings. The preferred format is for headings to be presented in bold format, with consecutive numbering.
  7. All Figures (charts, diagrams and line drawings) and Plates (photographic images) should be submitted in both electronic form and as hard copy originals. They should be of clear quality, in black and white and numbered consecutively with arabic numerals.
  8. Figures created in MS Word, MS Excel, Illustrator and Freehand should be saved in their native formats. Electronic figures created in other applications should be copied from the origination software and pasted into a blank MS Word document or saved and imported into a MS Word document by choosing "Insert" from the menu bar, "Picture" from the drop-down menu and selecting "From File..." to select the graphic to be imported. For figures which cannot be supplied in MS Word, acceptable standard image formats are: .pdf, .jpeg (.jpg)
  9. Tables should be typed and included as part of the manuscript. They should not be submitted as graphic elements. Supply succinct and clear captions for all tables, figures and plates. Ensure that any superscripts or asterisks are shown next to the relevant items and have corresponding explanations displayed as footnotes to the table, figure or plate.
  10. References to other publications must be in APA style and carefully checked for completeness, accuracy and consistency. This is very important in an electronic environment because it enables your readers to exploit the Reference Linking facility on the database and link back to the works you have cited through CrossRef.

    You should cite publications in the text: (Adams, 2006) using the first named author's name or (Adams and Brown, 2006) citing both names of two, or (Adams et al., 2006), when there are three or more authors. At the end of the paper a reference list in alphabetical order should be supplied:

    • For books: Surname, Initials (year), Title of Book, Publisher, Place of publication.
      e.g. Harrow, R. (2005), No Place to Hide, Simon & Schuster, New York, NY.
    • For book chapters: Surname, Initials (year), "Chapter title", Editor's Surname, Initials, Title of Book, Publisher, Place of publication, pages.
      e.g. Calabrese, F.A. (2005), "The early pathways: theory to practice â?? a continuum", in Stankosky, M. (Ed.), Creating the Discipline of Knowledge Management, Elsevier, New York, NY, pp. 15-20.
    • For journals: Surname, Initials (year), "Title of article", Journal Name, volume, number, pages.
      e.g. Capizzi, M.T. and Ferguson, R. (2005), "Loyalty trends for the twenty-first century", Journal of Consumer Marketing, Vol. 22 No. 2, pp. 72-80.
    • For working papers: Surname, Initials (year), "Title of article", working paper [number if available], Institution or organization, Place of organization, date.
      e.g. Mozier, P. (2003), "How published academic research can inform policy decisions: the case of mandatory rotation of audit appointments", working paper, Leeds University Business School, University of Leeds, Leeds, 28 March.
    • For encyclopedia entries (with no author or editor): Title of Encyclopedia (year) "Title of entry", volume, edition, Title of Encyclopedia, Publisher, Place of publication, pages.
      e.g. Encyclopaedia Britannica (1926) "Psychology of culture contact", Vol. 1, 13th ed., Encyclopaedia Britannica, London and New York, NY, pp. 765-71.
      (For authored entries please refer to book chapter guidelines above.)
    • For newspaper articles (authored): Surname, Initials (year), "Article title", Newspaper, date, pages.
      e.g. Smith, A. (2008), "Money for old rope", Daily News, 21 January, pp. 1, 3-4.
    • For electronic sources: if available online the full URL should be supplied at the end of the reference, as well as a date that the resource was accessed, e.g. Castle, B. (2005), "Introduction to webservices for remote portlets", available at: www-128.ibm.com/developerworks/library/ws-wsrp/ (accessed 12 November 2007).

Final submission of the article

Once accepted for publication, the Editor may request the final version as an attached file to an e-mail.

Submission Process

Authors should ensure that the paper submitted is complete and in its final form. The manuscript file uploaded should contain the structured abstract but NOT author details as the journal operates a double blind peer review process. Author details should be uploaded as a separate file.

JTI Ethics Guidelines

Responsibilities of Authors

The Journal of Tourism Insights (JTI) has the following policies for authors relating to ethics: authorship, original material, fabrication and plagiarism, conflict of interest and informed consent. Ethics guidelines conform to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA), 6th edition. Authors submitting manuscripts for publication are expected to know and abide by the APA guidelines and the following ethics policies.

Authorship -The JTI assumes that for any submission that all the listed authors have agreed on all of the contents, including the author list and author contributions statements. The lead or submitting author is responsible for having ensured that all authors have agreed to be so listed and approved the manuscript submission to the journal, and for managing all communication between the journal and all co-authors, before and after publication. The author list should include all involved researchers and no one else.

Any changes to the author list after submission, such as a change in the order of the authors, or the deletion or addition of authors, needs to be approved by every author.in writing to the JTI editor.

Original Material - Material submitted to the JTI must be original and not published or submitted for publication elsewhere. Author(s) must indicate whether their manuscript is part of a larger study and how the current manuscript is distinct from other papers that are published, under review, or in press. Authors are encouraged to submit manuscripts that are part of a larger study for the editor’s evaluation.

Fabrication and Plagiarism - Plagiarism is the misuse of the published and/or unpublished works, written or on a website, of others by misrepresenting the material as one’s own work. Plagiarism occurs when large parts of text have been cut-and-pasted. You must properly cite the work of others. Other forms of plagiarism and cheating occur when submitting identical articles to different journals, or when only minor changes have been made to submissions to other journals. If the journal is notified or suspects plagiarism after publication in the journal they will conduct a preliminary investigation and check the published article content with other journals.

Conflict of Interest - Author(s) must disclose with their submission any potential for a conflict of interest in their research or in the evaluation of it for publication in the JTI.

Informed Consent - Appropriate steps must be taken to obtain the informed consent of human research participants, regardless of the country’s regulations under which the research was conducted.

Responsibilities of Editors

Publication Decisions - Editors are responsible for deciding which of the items submitted to the journal should be reviewed or published.

Fair Treatment - Editors should ensure the integrity of the publication review process. As such, editors and any editorial staff must disclose any conflict of interest regarding items reviewed or published.

Investigations – Editors shall conduct proper and fair investigation into ethical complaints and an appropriate penalty or sanction will be imposed.

Responsibility of Reviewers

Objectivity - Reviews should be conducted objectively, with no personal criticism of the document maker.

Submission to Editorial Decision - Reviewers should express their views clearly with supporting arguments.

Promptness - Reviewers should complete their reviews as soon as possible and within a specified timeframe.

Conflicts of Interest - Reviewers should disclose conflicts of interest resulting from competitive, collaborative, or other relationships or connections with any of the document makers, companies, or institutions connected to the documentaries under review.