
Author Biographies

Jim Fredricksen is a former teacher of middle school English Language Arts students who now serves as an English educator and co-director of the Boise State Writing Project at Boise State University.

Amanda Micheletty formerly taught English to students in high school and now teaches in the First Year Writing Program at Boise State University. She is working on a M.A. in Rhetoric and Composition and is interested in how students, across generations, can access their own agency and empower one another through community literacy practices.

Nicholas Darlinton teaches high school English and serves on the board of two literary non-profits, Idaho Scholastic Writing Awards and Death Rattle Writers Festival. He is primarily interested in creating courses that reflect the real reading and writing practices of adult literary communities.


When a group of rural teens meet regularly out-of-school to write for social change in their communities, they inquire into those recent moments when they did or did not choose to speak up. This article describes some of the conceptual tools and practical classroom implications for three teachers who participate with SpeakUP. In particular, this piece argues that when young people turn toward trouble together, specifically when they do or do not decide to speak up, they can identify their assumptions and expectations, notice how power is working in both visible and invisible ways, and consider multiple possibilities for future responses in similar situations.

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