

As notions of Autism slowly move from a pathological to a cultural framework it is a fair question to ask if this includes a distinctive Autistic aesthetic. This is a comparative question, evaluating a distinctive aesthetic against established norms and to do this effectively you need samples. The more samples you have the better the comparison. It certainly makes sense that individuals with divergent neurologies and sensory experiences would perceive the world and reflect it differently through their content creation across artistic disciplines. The challenge however is finding this content as works by autistic creators are exceedingly rare and hard to find within the institutions and the platforms used to disseminate cultural production. The worlds of cultural dissemination be it art, music, theatre, etc. are exceedingly social with social networking being a key vector for career advancement. This fact results in significant barriers for Autistic artists to achieve professional success. Unfortunately this puts the question back into one of examining disability. This article will look at the cultural landscape, with an emphasis on visual art. It will reveal that Autistic culture has almost no footprint in contemporary cultural presentation. If this landscape can be transformed, resulting in routine encounters of Autistic cultural content, then we can accurately examine Autistic aesthetics

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