Characterization of the Phytoene Desaturase Gene in Invasive Watermilfoil Populations That Exhibit Different Sensitivities to the Herbicide Fluridone

Presentation Type


Presenter Major(s)

Cell and Molecular Biology

Mentor Information

Ryan Thum,


Annis Water Resource Institute (AWRI)


Henry Hall Atrium 11

Start Date

13-4-2011 1:00 PM

End Date

13-4-2011 2:00 PM


Environment, Life Science


Eurasian watermilfoil (EWM) is a major invasive aquatic plant in North America that is routinely controlled with aquatic herbicides. Recent studies demonstrate reduced sensitivity to the herbicide fluridone in some populations, though the mechanism(s) for reduced sensitivity is currently unknown. Fluridone resistance has also been observed in the invasive aquatic plant species Hydrilla verticillata, and occurs via an amino acid substitution in the phytoene desaturase protein (PDS). PDS, an essential protein in carotenoid synthesis, is inhibited by fluridone. We propose PDS as a candidate gene causing response variation in EWM populations. Here, we describe initial studies to characterize variation in PDS among EWM populations that exhibit different fluridone sensitivities.

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Apr 13th, 1:00 PM Apr 13th, 2:00 PM

Characterization of the Phytoene Desaturase Gene in Invasive Watermilfoil Populations That Exhibit Different Sensitivities to the Herbicide Fluridone

Henry Hall Atrium 11

Eurasian watermilfoil (EWM) is a major invasive aquatic plant in North America that is routinely controlled with aquatic herbicides. Recent studies demonstrate reduced sensitivity to the herbicide fluridone in some populations, though the mechanism(s) for reduced sensitivity is currently unknown. Fluridone resistance has also been observed in the invasive aquatic plant species Hydrilla verticillata, and occurs via an amino acid substitution in the phytoene desaturase protein (PDS). PDS, an essential protein in carotenoid synthesis, is inhibited by fluridone. We propose PDS as a candidate gene causing response variation in EWM populations. Here, we describe initial studies to characterize variation in PDS among EWM populations that exhibit different fluridone sensitivities.