Theses/Dissertations from 2025
Evaluating Parasite Prevalence, Effects, and Parasite-mediated Competition in Flying Squirrels (Glaucomys spp.), Anthony J. Raona
Theses/Dissertations from 2024
Habitat suitability for age-0 lake sturgeon in the Grand River, Benjamin D. Gunnett
Assessing contributions of agricultural land use and climate change to water scarcity in Serbia, Jamshid Jalali
Native Freshwater Mussel Communities in the Lower Grand River, Michigan: Assessing Tributary Confluence Effects and Updating Survey Information, Grayson L. Kosak
Headstarting Eastern Box Turtles in Southwest Michigan: Implications for Growth, Survival, and Spatial Ecology, Faith C. Kuzma
Impact of Climate Change and Restoration on Phosphorus Loading in an Impaired Wetland, Katherine M. Lucas
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
Seasonal top-down effects of fish on benthic macroinvertebrates and periphyton in a coldwater Michigan stream, Travis John Ellens
Avian Community Response to Oak Savanna Management in West Michigan, Abigail Elaine Fischer, Paul W. Keenlance, Alexandra B. Locher, and Joseph J. Jacquot
The Application of Microbial Source Tracking to aid in Site Prioritization for Remediation in Lower Michigan, John J. Hart
Go big or go home: Divergence in morphology and behavior between island and islet populations of the San Cristóbal lava lizard (Microlophus bivittatus), Emilio J. Mancero
Long term monitoring of Grand Ravines Park restoration: An authentic research opportunity for Jenison High School students and beyond, Karina C. White
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
Benthic Macroinvertebrate Pre-assessment of a Proposed Restoration in the Grand River, Grand Rapids, MI, USA, Matthew L. Bain
Genetic Structure of Urban White-Tailed Deer in West Michigan, Jacob David Brand
Using Plot Photographs to Estimate Tundra Vegetation Cover in Northern Alaska, Hana Christoffersen
The Spatial Ecology and Habitat Selection of a Spotted Turtle (Clemmys guttata) Population in Southwest Michigan, Michela Coury
Relationships Among Age, Relative Telomere Length, and DNA Methylation in Pteropus Bats, Erika E. Forest
Wood Turtle (Glyptemys insculpta) Spatial Ecology, Habitat Selection, and Use of Restored Oak-Pine Barrens in Northwestern Michigan, Diana Paige Methner
Potential Impacts of Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Infestation on Forest Overstory and Avian Assemblages in West Michigan, USA, Nathaniel SQ Wagner
Using Occupancy Modeling to Estimate American Marten Distribution in Michigan’s Lower Peninsula, Maria N. Weston
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
Assessing the Short-Term Effects of Translocation on Freshwater Mussels: Is Habitat or Water Quality More Important?, Joshua D. Arnold
Effects of AM Fungi from Conventional and No-till Michigan Crop Fields on Plant and Soil Health, Derek Bennett
Spatial and demographic patterns of two threatened turtle species in an urban environment, Carly E. Brouwers
Comparing Macroinvertebrate Total Abundance and Total Biomass on Five Substrate Types from Upstream to Downstream on the North Branch of the Au Sable River, Paul David Dingman
Pedigree and Molecular Assessment of Relatedness in a Captive Chimpanzee Population, Francesca Golus
Use of imaging flow cytometry to assess the hematology of eastern massasauga rattlesnakes (Sistrurus catenatus), Jennifer H. Kovach
Detecting Apple Crop Pest Insects From Eptesicus fuscus (Big Brown Bat) Feces Using Metabarcoding In Southern Michigan Apple Orchards, Randi Lesagonicz
Evaluation of lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens) spawning success on an artificial reef constructed in the Kalamazoo River, Michigan, Jason P. Lorenz
Developing Novel Molecular Detection Techniques for Hemlock Woolly Adelgid (Adelges tsugae), Meg Sanders
Fecal Findings: Investigating Eastern Massasauga Rattlesnake Diet Using DNA Metabarcoding, Alyssa Swinehart
Theses/Dissertations from 2020
Variation in Tundra Plant Traits Across a Latitudinal Gradient, Katlyn Rose Betway
Competitive Interactions: Spatial and temporal niche partitioning between Brook and Brown Trout in southwest Michigan, Frederick J. Glassen
Analysis of seasonal changes in thermal stress resilience and innate immunity in the temperate coral, Astrangia poculata, from future climate impacts, Tyler Eugene Harman
Drivers of decadal vegetation change in Northern Alaska, Jacob Allen Harris
Carbon Sequestration in a Restored West Michigan Oak Savanna: Implications for Management Practices, Jeffrey A. Heise
Detection Probability of the American Marten (Martes americana) in Michigan’s Lower Peninsula, Taylor Brian Root
Great Lakes Snake: Estimating the Occupancy and Detection Probabilities of the Eastern Massasauga Rattlesnake (Sistrurus catenatus), Arin June Thacker
Theses/Dissertations from 2019
An assessment of periphyton communities in five Upper Peninsula streams, MI, Aaron Jeffrey Christiansen
Phylogenetic Analysis of Palisota (Commelinaceae) Using Chloroplast and Nuclear Regions, Alexandra H. Crum
Impacts of Shoreline Restoration and Source of Nutrient Enrichment on Macrophytes and Epiphytic Algal Communities, Paige Marie Kleindl
Dynamic Carbon Cycling in Muskegon Lake – a Great Lakes Estuary, Katie Lynn Knapp
Biological Invasions on a Large Scale: Investigating the Spread of Baby’s Breath (Gypsophila paniculata) Across North America, Sarah K. Lamar
Evaluating remote site incubators to support restoration of Arctic Grayling in Michigan, Alan J. Mock
Habitat Use and Tributary Occupancy of the Threatened River Redhorse (Moxostoma carinatum) in the Grand River, MI, USA., Nicholas Michael Preville
Snowshoe Hare (Lepus americanus) Abundance in Relation to Habitat and Predator Assemblage Across the Apostle Islands, Jarod Reibel
Habitat Use of the Climate-Sensitive Snowshoe Hare (Lepus americanus) In the Manistee National Forest in Michigan’s Lower Peninsula, Spencer D. West
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
Occupancy and detection of Yellow Perch in Great Lakes coastal wetlands, Kaitlyn M. Dykstra
Environmental factors influencing amphibian community assemblage in dune wetlands on the Lake Michigan coast, Alex H. Jouney
Home-range Dynamics and Resource Selection of American Marten (Martes americana) in Michigan’s Northern Lower Peninsula, Angela Kujawa
Genetic structure of invasive baby’s breath (Gypsophila paniculata) populations in a Michigan dune system, Hailee B. Leimbach-Maus
Investigating Erosion and Ecological Impacts to an Urban Coldwater Stream Using Multiple Techniques, Daniel T. L. Myers
Impacts of Sediment Dredging on Phosphorus Dynamics in a Restored Riparian Wetland, Kimberly Oldenborg
Effects of fire season and temperature on a spotted knapweed (Centaurea stoebe) infested grassland, Zachery T. Pitman
Assessment of invasive Gypsophila paniculata Control Methods in the northwest Michigan dunes, Emma K. Rice
Estimating Components of Stream Metabolism Using the Free Water Dissolved Oxygen Method, Jay R. Zuidema Jr.
Theses/Dissertations from 2017
Nest-Site Selection and Neonate Survival of Eastern Box Turtles (Terrapene carolina carolina) in Michigan’s Northern Lower Peninsula, Joseph T. Altobelli
Effective Population Size, Demography, and Viability of Eastern Massasaugas (Sistrurus catenatus) in Southwest Michigan, Danielle R. Bradke
Yellow Perch Genetic Stock Structure in Eastern Lake Michigan: What is the Importance of Drowned River Mouth Lakes?, Gregory M. Chorak
Phosphorus Retention in West Michigan Two-stage Agricultural Ditches, Emily Kindervater
Spatial Ecology of the Adult and Neonate Eastern Box Turtle in a Forested Landscape, Patrick B. Laarman
Seasonal Ecology of Mottled Sculpin and Brown Trout in a Coldwater Michigan Stream, Susanna K. LaGory
Brook Trout Behavioral Thermoregulation and Habitat Selection in a Small Michigan Coldwater Stream: Implications for Successful Management, Justin Emory Wegner
Theses/Dissertations from 2016
Detection and Attribution of Long-Term Vegetation Changes in Northern Alaska, Robert Barrett
Does Phosphorus from Agricultural Tile Drains Fuel Algal Blooms?, Delilah R. Clement
The Effect of Seasonal Fish Migration on Energy Budgets in Two Coastal Michigan Streams, Emily M. Dean
From Land to Lake: Contrasting Microbial Processes Across a Great Lakes Gradient of Organic Carbon and Inorganic Nutrient Inventories, Deborah K. Dila
Macroinvertebrate Community Composition, Food Web Structure, and Emergence Rate in Neotropical Cloud-Forest Streams in Mindo, Ecuador, Anna M. Harris
Trophic Transfer of a Naturally Occurring Algal Toxin from a Freshwater Lake to Little Brown Bats, Devin Jones
American Marten Denning Behavior in Michigan, Melissa J. Nichols
Examining the Effect of Climate Change on the Upper Mesophotic Coral Montastrea cavernosa (Linnaeus 1767), John Skutnik
Evaluating Foraging Habits, and Estimating Prey Consumption, and Growth of Brook Trout in a Coolwater Michigan Stream, Graeme R. Zaparzynski
Theses/Dissertations from 2015
Documenting Annual Differences in Vegetation Cover, Height and Diversity near Barrow, Alaska, Timothy Frederick Botting
Assessment of Northern Bobwhite Survival and Fitness at Felsenthal National Wildlife Refuge, Arkansas, Jacob W. Doggett
Adult Rainbow Trout Habitat Selection in the Henry’s Fork of the Snake River, Idaho, Zachary Kuzniar
Evaluating Accuracy and Bias in Genetic Monitoring Under Scenarios of Population Decline, Susan K. Munster
Divergent responses of cryptic invasive watermilfoil to treatment with auxinic herbicides in a large Michigan Lake, Syndell R. Parks
Evolution of Invasive Species in Response to Management: Potential for Herbicide Resistance in Watermilfoil, Lindsey-Ann Louise Schulte
Photophysiological Studies of Cyanobacterial Mats in Submerged Sinkholes of Lake Huron, Michael Snider
Microcystin Accumulation in Fish Muscle Tissue: Exploring the Safety of Fish Consumption in Several Michigan Water Bodies, Heather Snyder
Toxin Production and Population Dynamics of Gloeotrichia echinulata with Considerations of Global Climate Change, Sarah Stamann
Theses/Dissertations from 2014
Evaluation of Natural Steelhead Recruitment in the Muskegon River, Michigan, Nicholas C. Albrecht
Spatial and Temporal Variation of Macroinvertebrate Communities in the Muskegon River and Bigelow Creek, Michigan, Travis Hauri Foster
Structural Comparison of Arctic Plant Communities Across the Landscape and with Experimental Warming in Northern Alaska, Jessica L. Gregory
Genetic Health and Population Viability of Reintroduced American Marten in Michigan, Tamara L. Hillman
Historical Demography and Dispersal Patterns in the Eastern Pipistrelle Bat (Perimyotis subflavus), Alynn M. Martin
Predictive Modeling of Floral Species Richness in Michigan Prairie Fen Communities, Nichole R. Mason
Evaluating the Success of Wetland Mitigation in West Michigan: A Macroinvertibrate-Based Approach, James N. Neal
The Initial Effects of Community Variables on Sand Prairie Restoration: Species Establishment and Community Responses, Robert Christopher Roos
Resting Site Characteristics of American Marten in the Northern Lower Peninsula of Michigan, Robert L. Sanders
Fern Community Reassembly in Secondary Forests of Puerto Rico: Predictors, Complexity, and Niche Model Assessment, Thomas J. Schmidt
Wetland Sediment Nutrient Flux in Response to Proposed Hydrologic Reconnection and Climate Warming, James T. Smit