Peer Reviewed Publications | Biology Department | Grand Valley State University


Submissions from 2022


Habitat Use of the Threatened River Redhorse (Moxostoma carinatum) in the Grand River, MI, USA, Nicholas M. Preville, Eric B. Snyder, Dan O'Keefe, Scott Hanshue, Amy Russell, and Justin Radecki

Submissions from 2017


Mitochondrial DNA Analysis of Eneolithic Trypillians from Ukraine Reveals Neolithic Farming Genetic Roots, Alexey Nikitin, Inna Potekhina, Nadin Rohland, Swapan Mallick, and Malcolm Lillie

Submissions from 2015


Initial Plant Growth in Sand Mine Spoil Amended with Organic Materials, Todd A. Aschenbach and Mitchell Poling


Traps as treats: a traditional sticky rice snack persisting in rapidly changing Asian kitchens, Rachel Schwallier, Hugo J. de Boer, Natasja Visser, Rojier R. van Vugt, and Barbara Gravendeel

Submissions from 2014


Bottlenecks in the Open-Access System: Voices from Around the Globe, Elisa Bonaccorso, Reneta Bozhankova, Carlos Daniel Cadena, Veronika Čapská, Laura Czerniewicz, Ada Emmett, Folorunso Fasina Oludayo, Natalia Glukhova, Marc L. Greenberg, Miran Hladnik, María Eugenia Grillet, Mochamad Indrawan, Mate Kapović, Yuri Kleiner, Marek Łaziński, Rafael D. Loyola, Shaily Menon, Luis Gonzalo Morales, Clara Ocampo, Jorge Pérez-Emán, A. Townsend Peterson, Dimitar Poposki, Ajadi Adetola Rasheed, Kathryn M. Rodríguez-Clark, Jon Paul Rodríguez, Brian Rosenblum, Victor Sánchez-Cordero, Filip Smolík, Marko Snoj, Imre Szilágyi, Orlando Torres, and Piotr Tykarski


You Can’t Teach Speed: Sprinters Falsify the Deliberate Practice Model of Expertise, Michael P. Lombardo and Robert O. Deaner


Scientometric Analyses of Studies on the Role of Innate Variation in Athletic Performance, Michael P. Lombardo and Shadie Emiah


Native Warm-Season Grasses Resist Spotted Knapweed Resurgence, Neil W. MacDonald and William J. Bottema


Hand Pulling Following Mowing and Herbicide Treatments Increases Control of Spotted Knapweed (Centaurea stoebe), Neil W. MacDonald, Laurelin M. Martin, Corey K. Kapolka, Timothy F. Botting, and Tami E. Brown


Native Plant Establishment Success Influenced by Spotted Knapweed (Centaurea stoebe) Control Method, Laurelin M. Martin, Neil W. MacDonald, and Tami E. Brown


Application of Large-Scale Parentage Analysis for Investigating Natal Dispersal in Highly Vagile Vertebrates: A Case Study of American Black Bears (Ursus americanus), Jennifer A. Moore, Hope M. Draheim, Dwayne Etter, Scott Winterstein, and Kim T. Scribner


Energy Transitions in Kenya’s Tea Sector: A Wind Energy Assessment, Erik E. Nordman


Disruption of the protein kinase N gene of Drosophila melanogaster Results in the Recessive delorean Allele (pkndln) With a Negative Impact on Wing Morphogenesis, Georgette L. Sass and Bruce D. Ostrow

Submissions from 2013


Hand Pulling Following Mowing and Herbicide Treatments Increases Control of Spotted Knapweed (Centaurea stoebe), Neil W. MacDonald, Laurelin M. Martin, Corey K. Kapolka, Timothy F. Botting, and Tami E. Brown

Submissions from 2012


Initial Plant Growth in Sand Mine Spoil Amended with Peat Moss and Fertilizer Under Greenhouse Conditions: Potential Species for Use in Reclamation, Todd A. Aschenbach, Elizabeth Brandt, Melissa Buzzard, Ryan Hargreaves, Thomas Schmidt, and Amanda Zwagerman


Deglaciation Explains Bat Extinction in the Caribbean, Lilian M. Dávalos and Amy L. Russell


Possible Effects of the Presence of Common Household Chemicals in the Environment: The Growth of an Aquatic Bacterial Species on High Concentrations of Caffeine, Adrienne M. Gibson, Roderick M. Morgan, Nick MacDonald, and Alexey G. Nikitin


Pheromonal Interactions among Gametophytes of Osmundastrum Cinnamomeum and the Origins of Antheridiogen Systems in Leptosporangiate Ferns, Stephanie N. Hollingsworth, Eric A. Andres, and Gary K. Greery


Estimated Change in Tundra Ecosystem Function Near Barrow, Alaska Between 1972 and 2010, M. J. Lara, S. Villarreal, D. R. Johnson, R. D. Hollister, P. J. Webber, and C. E. Tweedie


Rhododendron Species in the Indian Eastern Himalayas: New Approaches to Understanding Rare Plant Species Distributions, Shaily Menon, Mohamed Latif Khan, Ashish Paul, and A. Townsend Peterson


Public purchases and private preferences: Challenges for analyzing public open space acquisitions, Erik Edward Nordman and John Wagner


Tundra Vegetation Change near Barrow, Alaska (1972–2010), S. Villarreal, R. D. Hollister, D. R. Johnson, M. J. Lara, P. J. Webber, and C. E. Tweedie

Submissions from 2011


Environmental Variation, Fish Community Composition, and Brown Trout Survival in the Pigeon River, Ottawa County, Michigan, Neil W. MacDonald, Daniel W. Mays, Richard R. Rediske, and Carl R. Ruetz III

Submissions from 2010


Differential Gene Expression and Protein Abundance Evince Ontogenetic Bias toward Castes in a Primitively Eusocial Wasp, James H. Hunt, Florian Wolschin, Michael T. Henshaw, Thomas C. Newman, Amy L. Toth, and Gro V. Amdam


Ecological Niche Modeling and Local Knowledge Predict New Populations of Gymnocladus assamicus a Critically Endangered Tree Species, Shaily Menon, Baharul I. Choudhury, M. Latif Khan, and A. Townsend Peterson


Preliminary Global Assessment of Terrestrial Biodiversity Consequences of Sea-level Rise Mediated by Climate Change, Shaily Menon, Jorge Soberon, Xingong Li, and A. Townsend Peterson


Recent Advances in the Climate Change Biology Literature: Describing the Whole Elephant, A. Townsend Peterson, Shaily Menon, and Xingong Li


Diel Fish Habitat Selection in a Tributary Stream, Andria K. Salas and Eric B. Snyder

Submissions from 2009


Projected Climate Change Effects on Nuthatch Distribution and Diversity Across Asia, Shaily Menon, M. Zafar-ul Islam, and A. Townsend Peterson

Submissions from 2008


Access to Mutualistic Endosymbiotic Microbes: An Underappreciated Benefit of Group Living, Michael P. Lombardo


Landfill Cover Soil, Soil Solution, and Vegetation Responses to Municipal Landfill Leachate Applications, Neil W. MacDonald, Richard R. Rediske, Brian T. Scull, and David Wierzbicki


Preliminary Analysis of the Ecology and Geography of the Asian Nuthatches (Aves: Sittidae), Shaily Menon, Zafar-Ul Islam, Jorge Soberon, and A. Townsend Peterson

Submissions from 2004


Repeated Sampling Affects Tree Swallow Semen Characteristics, Michael P. Lombardo, M.L. Green, P.A. Thorpe, M.R. Czarnowski, and H.W. Power

Submissions from 2003


Native warm-season grass establishment on spotted knapweed-infested gravel mine spoils, Neil W. MacDonald, Mitchell T. Koetje, and Brenda J. Perry


Left-sided Directional Bias of Cloacal Contacts During House Sparrow Copulations, Karen B. Nyland, Michael P. Lombardo, and Patrick A. Thorpe

Submissions from 2002


Individual, Temporal, and Seasonal Variation in Sperm Concentration in Tree Swallows, Michael P. Lombardo, Armetris N. Forman, Matthew R. Czarnowski, and Patrick A. Thorpe

Submissions from 2001


Hydrologic Events and Water Quality in the Pigeon River, Ottawa County, Michigan, Neil W. MacDonald, Richard R. Rediske, and Jonathan E. Van Denend


Identifying Conservation-Priority Areas in the Tropics: A Land-Use Change Modeling Approach, Shaily Menon, R. Gil Pontius Jr., Joseph Rose, M. L. Khan, and Kamaljit S. Bawa


Left-sided Directional Bias of Cloacal Contacts During Tree Swallow Copulations, Aaron D. Petersen, Michael P. Lombardo, and Harry W. Power

Submissions from 2000


Nestling Tree Swallow (Tachycineta bicolor) Diets in an Upland Old Field in Western Michigan, Matthew E. Johnson and Michael P. Lombardo

Submissions from 1999


The Beneficial Sexually Transmitted Microbe Hypothesis of Avian Copulation, Michael P. Lombardo, Patrick A. Thorpe, and Harry W. Power


Soil Warming and Carbon Loss from a Lake States Spodosol, Neil W. MacDonald, Diana L. Randlett, and Donald R. Zak


Microbial Colonization of the Cloacae of Nestling Tree Swallows, Tamara K. Mills, Michael P. Lombardo, and Patrick A. Thorpe

Submissions from 1998


On the Evolution of Sexually Transmitted Diseases in Birds, Michael P. Lombardo


Environmental Stress Effects on Vigor, Mortality, and Growth in Northern Hardwood Forests Along a Pollution-Climate Gradient, Neil W. MacDonald, John A. Witter, David R. Reed, Andrew J. Burton, Kurt S. Pregitzer, and Hal O. Liechty


Deforestation in the Tropics: Reconciling Disparities in Estimates for India, Shaily Menon and Kamaljit S. Bawa

Submissions from 1997


Growth and Survival of Jack Pine Exposed to Simulated Acid Rain as Seedlings, Neil W. MacDonald and Brandon J. Ducsay

Submissions from 1996


Communities of Cloacal Bacteria in Tree Swallow Families, Michael P. Lombardo, Patrick A. Thorpe, R. Cichewicz, M. Henshaw, C. Millard, C. Steen, and T. K. Zeller

Submissions from 1995


Within-pair Copulations: Are Female Tree Swallows Feathering Their Own Nests?, Michael P. Lombardo


Effect of Feathers as Nest Insulation on Incubation Behavior and Reproductive Performance of Tree Swallows (Tachycineta bicolor), Michael P. Lombardo, Ruth M. Bosman, Christine A. Faro, Stephen G. Houtteman, and Timothy S. Kluisza


Temperature Effects on Kinetics of Microbial Respiration and Net Nitrogen and Sulfur Mineralization, Neil W. MacDonald, Donald R. Zak, and Kurt S. Pregitzer

Submissions from 1994


Homosexual Copulations by Male Tree Swallows, Michael P. Lombardo, Ruth M. Bosman, Christine A. Faro, Stephen G. Houtteman, and Timothy S. Kluisza

Submissions from 1992


Long Term Mobidity and Mortality of Adolescent Obesity: A Follow-up of Third Harvard Growth Study Participants of 1922 to 1935, Aviva Must Ph.D.; Paul F. Jacques Sc.D.; Gerard E. Dallal Ph.D.; Carl J. Bajema Ph.D.; and William H. Dietz M.D., Ph.D

Submissions from 1982


Height, Weight, and Fertility Among Participants of the Third Harvard Growth Study, Eugenie Scott and Carl J. Bajema

Submissions from 1974


Age at Menarche: Accuracy of Recall After Thirty-Nine Years, Albert Damon and Carl J. Bajema