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Data collected to characterize paraffin as an electrode sealant for FSCV microelectrodes.


Data Organization:

Data are organized based upon which figure they were used to create. Additionally, the date of collection was used to organize many, but not all data files.

See the README for details of data organization and file naming.


Borosilicate electrode tips were left intact or broken and dipped in paraffin embedding wax. Excess wax was removed from the carbon surface with xyelenes or by repeated cycling at an extended waveform (-0.4 to 1.4V, 400 V/s, 60 Hz). Then, the waveform was switched to a standard waveform (-0.4 to 1.3V, 400 V/s, 10 Hz) and cycled until stable.

File Format

.tif, .tdms

Viewing Instructions

All data files are either .tif files or .tdms (and .tdms index) files. It is likely that the index files are not necessary for successful data viewing. The .tif files should be opened with any common image viewer, or can be opened with the GNU Image Manipulation Program ( The .tdms files should be opened with the Demon Voltammetry Analysis Program available through Wake Forest University: . Additionally, it is possible that the data would open in the HDCV system available through the University of North Carolina: . However, this has not been tested. Lastly, there is the (untested) option of pyTDMS, which is available here: .


These datasets are released under a Creative Commons Attribution license (CC-BY 4.0: If you are using this data in your own scholarship or research, the authors would love to hear about it (corresponding author’s email listed above).

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

PLOS One Publication Data
