"Production of O<sub>2</sub> Herzberg States in the Deep UV Photodissoc" by Reinhard Schinke, George C. McBane et al.


Biological and Chemical Physics


High-resolution imaging experiments combined with new electronic structure and dynamics calculations strongly indicate that the O(3P)+O2 products with very low kinetic energy release (Etr2: A' 3Δu(v=0, 1, 2) and A 3Σ+u(v=0, 1). This interpretation contradicts the earlier assignment to very high (v≥26) vibrational states of O2(3Σ-g).

Original Citation

Schinke, R., McBane, G. C., Shen, L., Singh, P. C., & Suits, A. G. (2009). Production of O2 Herzberg states in the deep UV photodissociation of ozone. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 131(1), 011101. https://doi.org/10.1063/1.3157236
