An MVC Application

Document Type



Dr. Christian Trefftz,

Embargo Period



The main purpose of the Masters project was to study and demonstrate the features of J2EE architecture and the MVC architecture. The project included the study and analysis of various J2EE features and a development of a project using the MVC architecture. Following areas of J2EE were covered.

1. Java Server Pages

2. Java Servlets

3. Enterprise Java Beans


The topics covered in the application included:

*Swing components

*MVC pattern

*Event Delegation pattern

J2EE: The concepts of J2EE and its applications were explored in this project. The task involved study of the JSP features and its bean/servlets calling mechanism. Study of Java Servlets was conducted to understand the request/response architecture of the servlets. Study was also conducted on the concept of Enterprise Java Beans (both varieties, session and entity), their container and the fashion in which they co-ordinate. The concept of JDBC was also explored to determine the way Java communicates with different databases.

MVC Application: An order entry system was developed using Java Swing. The system accepts order information and upon committing updates the Item master and the customer master using the MVC pattern. Several components of Java Swing including JTabbedPane, JTable were used during development. The application has a standard menu bar and a tool bar. The sub-applications namely Order entry, Item maintenance and Customer maintenance were attached to the application using a tabbed pane (SDI). An event delegation approach was used to reduce the number of action items and listeners and bring uniformity to event handling. The main application generated events and the events cascaded down through the application to the sub application that should handle the event.

All information was grouped by category and stored on the disk using Java?s object serialization mechanism. The objects were maintained real-time. For example, if the inventory of the item was changed, the change was immediately stored on the disk file in anticipation of another application using the file. The same applies to customers.

Requirements document and a functional specifications document was generated to explain the systems requirements. UML diagrams were created to explain system behavior, including class diagrams to demonstrate the class relationships. Interaction diagrams were generated to demonstrate the communication between objects.

Summary: The intent of the project was to use the concepts studied in CS621, CS622 and CS623 in developing an application also to explore to concept of J2EE and the components that comprise it.

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