Visualization Models for Anticipated Primary Care Provider Need Under the Insurance Individual Mandate

Document Type


Lead Author Type

MBI Masters Student


Dr. Jonathan Leidig,

Embargo Period



The goal of this paper is to create a visualization to help understand the insured population trends within Michigan. This was done by visualizing the density of primary care providers or PCP, as well as the density of the 2012 insured and uninsured population in each county in the state of Michigan. In addition, the 2015 and 2020 projected population densities for each county. Supplemental information visualizations include the anticipated density of insured population under the new Affordable Care Act (ACA) laws in each county beginning in 2014. The anticipated use of these visualizations is to provide physicians, hospitals and other varying health care organizations with tools to develop and facilitate proper primary care provider placement to adequately address rising need in Michigan. Future uses of these visualization models can be used for other states within the United States. All data was gathered and calculated using the US Census Bureau’s American Community Survey estimates and visualized using the Google Maps application programming interface (API) with the following programming languages; JavaScript, jQuery, PHP, HTML and CSS. Currently all counties in Michigan have an uninsured population of approximately 10 to 13 percent and the visualizations represent the insured and uninsured population. In addition to the visualization of the insurance status, there are included graphics on the density of publicly insured individuals. The density of PCPs has been visualized for each county and shortages have been found in each county per the 1 PCP to 2000 patient standard ratio. Population projections for year 2015 and 2020 were also visualized in order to gather further information as to where PCP placement might be most effective.

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