The Impact of Information Technology in Garden Maintenance

Document Type


Lead Author Type

CIS Masters Student


Dr. D Robert Adams,

Embargo Period



The project The Impact of Information Technology in Garden Maintenance is one part of larger project entitled ‘Empowering Growth’ that partnered with the Taking Root non-profit organization to impact the lives of teenagers in juveniles detention centers. A partnership was established with the Ottawa Juvenile Detention Center (OCJDC) to build a community garden and provide recommendations of the type of Information Technology that can be used to improve gardening outcomes. The community garden will provide fresh food to supplement the detention center’s food preparation. Implementation of the garden will reduce the detention center’s food costs and allow their residents to engage in interactive activities. The aim of this project is to evaluate the integration of Information Technology into gardening and show how these technological developments influence the way farming is done and dynamically raise produce quantity for the detention center.

The ‘Impact of Information Technology in Garden Maintenance’ is an assessment of the technological tools available for gardening and it proposes the development of a custom-designed garden application for the Ottawa County Detention Center (OCJDC). A project management assessment model was defined for evaluating and vetting gardening technology based on the objectives of cost, IT complexity, and quality. An assessment model was established on the following principles: Acceptance Criteria, Assumptions, Constraints, and Deliverables. To further compliment this project a web-based garden application will be developed specifically for the Ottawa County Juvenile Detention Center (OCJDC) that offers garden planning and tracking capabilities that conform to the security measures of Ottawa detention center. To evaluate the idea a prototype of the garden application was designed using “Carettas”. This prototype helped to identify specific needs of the residents and staff. The web application has functionalities useful for planning to build a garden and maintaining it during the growing season. The web application will be developed using JAVA and JSP/Servlet web technologies and will be based on the server-client model. For data persistence MySQL will be use as the Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) and Apache Tomcat as the web container to host the web application.

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