Online Food Directory Listing Script

Document Type


Lead Author Type

CIS Masters Student


Dr. Yonglei Tao;

Embargo Period



This project is based on getting every food business of the city or area online on one platform. Online food directory system is a web-based script which helps every food or restaurant business in the city to put their information online on our platform so that it can get an online identity and people searching for The Places to eat can find almost all the information such as name, address, menu items and price of the items at one place.

I have Developed this system in php and designed it in the HTML/CSS and JavaScript, containing backend, dynamic front end aligned with the MySQL database. I have created a MySQL database and hosted it into XAMPP local server. This database is directly connected to the backend and the front end of the system, so whatever the data which will be entered through the dashboard will be stored in the MySQL database.

The project is developed mainly in three phases, the initial phase was the database design and Development, then I have developed the admin panel from which site owner can do the data entry and manage the information. Everything can be managed through a master administrative panel which work as a back-End of the website

The last phase was to design the front end and get all the data dynamically from the database to require place. For that purpose, I have used php and fraction of its frameworks functionalities to get the desired features. The front-end side of the website basically consist of 4 main pages. Home page, Restaurant listing page, individual restaurant’s information page and the contact us page. Any business owner can contact the website to put their business on this website via contact form given in the contact us page.

This document is currently not available here.
